Young people want to use their world of warcraft gold strength to change the world; wow gold people get their success and happiness through coping with it.
Nature’s Law: an exception always arise when one expects things to happen a certain way.
Underneath attitude are your beliefs, s and rules.
当你坚持把注重力和思想放在问题上,你将看不到身边众多的机会。(波特.海宁格 – 家庭系统排列大师)
When you keep your eyes and mind on the problem, you will not see the many opportunities around you (by Bert Hei ling – the Family Constellation )
很多人宁愿生活在痛苦之中,也不愿意解决自己的问题。(波特.海宁格 – 家庭系统排列大师)
Many people prefer living in pain than to have their problems solved。
惧怕 使你不敢面对它;而不能面对它,正是你的惧怕 的来源。
Your fear prevents you from facing it,And yet not facing it is the cause of your fear.
Pressure comes from feeling that one’s strength is less than what the task requlres.
Difficulty comes from thinking the gain is less than the cost.