结婚是爱情的坟墓,但是如果不结婚,爱情就死无葬身之地。 "marriage is the tomb of love, but if you do not get married, love is dead without burial. "
爱情,不是一颗心去敲打另一颗心,而是两颗心共同撞击的火花。 "love, not one heart to another heart beat, but the hearts of the common strike sparks. "
男人会一辈子怀念着一段消逝了的感情,同时也爱着别的女人。守候,是女人的特长。 "some men will forever miss the feelings gone, also loves another woman. waiting, a woman's specialty. "
很多放弃爱情的,对婚姻失望的,甚至离婚的,都是因为要求爱情一直亢奋,不接受它的常态。 "many give up love, the marriage of disappointment, and even porce, because love has been requested excitement, it does not accept the norm. "
曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的,更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。 "once owned, do not forget. can not get, but also to cherish. their own, do not give up. 've lost things in memory. "
真正的爱情是什么?它是一种感应,不是外在。为追求般配而结合,只会给彼此造成终生遗憾。 "what is true love? it is a sensor, not external. for the pursuit of a good fit and combined, will give each other a lifelong regret. "
适当地用理智控制住爱情,有利无弊,发疯似的滥施爱情,有弊无利。 "appropriate use reason to control love, pluses and no minuses, frantically indiscriminate love, there is no good. "
爱情里有苦有甜。只有细心的经营,让它开花结果。而爱的最高境界就是爱的像呼吸。你没感觉到,却时时存在。平淡却不可或缺。 "there is bitter sweet love. only careful management, it fruition. the highest state of love is to love like breathing. do not you feel, but always present. dull but indispensable. "
所谓幸福,就是一个笨蛋碰到一个傻瓜,引来无数人的羡慕和嫉妒,风风雨雨,平平淡淡。 "the so-called happiness is a fool met a fool, attracted many people's envy and jealousy, ups and downs, nothing exciting. "
爱情,是每个人都很向往的东西。它无形却有形,它能给你带来激情与快乐,同时,也能给你带来悲伤和伤痕。 "love is something everyone yearning. it is invisible but tangible, it can bring you the passion and joy, but also bring you grief and wounds. "
失恋失去的只是爱的对象,而不是爱情本身。 "just love romance lost objects, rather than love itself. "
爱情的天平加上金钱的砝码,就会失去幸福的平衡。买卖婚姻成交的时候,往往就是爱情悲剧的开始。 "love the balance plus weight of money, they will lose the balance of happiness. when trading turnover of marriage, often is the love tragedy begins. "
真正的爱情不是占有,而是无私的付出,是时刻为对方着想。 "true love is not possession, but the selfless giving, is the moment for the sake of each other. "
美能激发人的感情,爱情净化人的心灵。 "america can stimulate people's feelings, love purify the human mind. "
恋爱中的爱情是甜言蜜语山盟海誓,可当爱情演变成生活后一切都在平平淡淡之中,爱就是要用心去体会。 "love is sweet vows of love, but when love is turned into a living after all in flat light among love is to hard to understand. "
生活其实真的很平凡,任何人都不能得到所要的全部,有得必有失,只是在得失的选择中,拥有你自己最珍贵的东西。 "life is really very ordinary, no one can get all you want, gains will lose, but in the pros and cons of choices, with the most precious thing you own. "