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  • 藤条
  • 手杖
  • 甘蔗
  • 竹料
  • 竹杖
  • 笞杖
  • 笞条
  • 竹竿
  • 藤杖
  • 藤料
  • 棍棒
  • 细长的茎
  • 用藤条等编制
  • 用笞杖打
  • 用藤条鞭打(作为惩罚)
  • 用棍打
  • 用藤做
  • 以杖击
  • 用藤条鞭打
  • 用藤杖打
  • 鞭笞(作为惩罚)
  • [C](某些植物,如竹或甘蔗的)茎 the hard hollow stem of some plants, for example bamboo or sugar
  • [U](用于制作家具等的)竹竿,藤条 these stems used as a material for making furniture, etc.
  • [C]竹椅;藤杖;手杖 a long thin stick that a person uses to help them walk, especially one with a curved handle
  • [C](旧时学校用于惩罚学童的)竹杖,藤条 a piece of cane or a thin rod, used in the past in some schools for beating children as a punishment
  • vt. 用藤条打,用藤杖打,杖笞(作为惩罚) hit a child with a cane as a punishment


一. a stiff switch used to hit students as punishment82h中文字网

二. a stick that people can lean on to help them walk82h中文字网

三. a strong slender often flexible stem as of bamboos, reeds, rattans, or sugar cane82h中文字网


一. beat with a cane82h中文字网

Synonym: floglambastelambast82h中文字网

一. 竹杖;中空的茎;甘蔗
Cane is used to refer to the long, hollow, hard stems of plants such as bamboo. Strips of cane are often used to make furniture, and some types of cane can be crushed and processed to make sugar.82h中文字网

e.g. ...cane furniture.
e.g. ...cane sugar...

二. 拐杖;拐棍
A cane is a long thin stick with a curved or round top which you can use to support yourself when you are walking, or which in the past was fashionable to carry with you.82h中文字网


e.g. He wore a grey suit and leaned heavily on his cane.

三. (旧时用来打人、尤其是惩罚学生的)藤条
A cane is a long, thin, flexible stick which in the past was used to hit people, especially children at school, as a punishment.82h中文字网


e.g. Until the 一九八零s some criminals were still flogged with a rattan cane as a punishment.

四. (作为惩罚)鞭打,抽打(学生)
If a child is caned, he or she is hit with a cane as a punishment.82h中文字网

e.g. In Wales in the same era, boys were caned for speaking Welsh in the playground...
e.g. I have caned my son when necessary.

五. (竹子做的)支架
A cane is a tall, narrow stick, usually made of bamboo, which is used for supporting plants.82h中文字网


六. see also: sugar cane82h中文字网

一. 手杖:一.手杖(cane) 手杖为一只手扶持以助行走的工具. 有以下几种:二.前臂杖(forearm crutch) 前臂杖亦称为洛氏拐(Lofstrand crutch). 把手的位置和支柱的长度可以调节,夹住前臂的臂套为折叶式,有前开口和侧开口两种. 此拐可单用也可双用,82h中文字网

二. <家族风云>:其他的剧,像<>((The Unit), <>(Cane)和<>(Shark)的播出时间势必要被分割开,以便为本季中旬的<>(Jericho),<>(Big Brother), 和<>(Dexter)的播出让道.82h中文字网

三. 甘蔗:此外,某些黑人小说的风格,如詹图默(Jean Toomer)的<> (Cane),濒临表现主义和超现实主义的手法;这种技巧是否针对某个普遍盛行的主题提供了一种对比?82h中文字网

四. cane在线翻译82h中文字网

四. 拐杖:我读完墙上的海报,取下拐杖(CANE),试着打开最后一扇门. 天啦!里面尽是赤练蛇. 于是,我祭起音陀螺赶走蛇,继续向里走上梯. 啊!我怎么会在牢里,真是自投罗网!冈拿起桌上的石头(STONE),鬼就跟着来了. 我迅速给它一拳把鬼打落洞口.82h中文字网

五. 82h中文字网

五. cane:computer aided network engineering; 计算机辅助网络工程82h中文字网

  • 常用例句82h中文字网

  • 词汇搭配82h中文字网

  • Long piece of cane are used to make furniture and to weave baskets.
  • This sugar cane is quite a sweet and juicy.
  • Mother is having the chair cane.
  • It was made entirely of cane.
  • She bought a chair made of cane.
  • Since he broke his leg, he had to walk with a cane.
  • My grandmother walks with a cane.
  • The teacher gave him the cane for fighting in school.
  • He got the cane for cheating.
  • I got the cane for smoking.
  • My father used to cane me when I behaved badly.
  • The jailer caned the man.
  • England were caned by France in last night's game.
用作名词 (n.)
  • brandish a cane at向…挥舞手杖
  • get the cane受藤条惩罚
  • twirl a cane挥转手杖
  • walking cane手杖
  • bamboo cane竹竿
  • chair of bamboo cane竹椅
  • cane chair藤椅
  • cane sugar蔗糖
  • elderly American ladies leaning on their canes倚着手杖的美国老妇
  • be punished with a cane受藤条惩罚
  • young man with eye-glass and cane戴眼镜持手杖的青年男子
  • 近义词82h中文字网

  • 临近词82h中文字网

  • beat
  • baste
  • flog
  • hit
  • staff
  • rap
  • whack
  • switch
  • smite
  • strike
  • drub
  • rod
  • thresh
  • tan
  • walking stick
  • lash
  • flail
  • wallop
  • whip
  • stick
  • Canea
  • Caneer
  • Canei
  • canine
  • Canesi
  • caney
  • candy
  • Caneri
  • Canel
  • Canev
  • Canet
  • caner
This is an image of an old man with a cane.(这是一个拄着拐杖的老人的形象。)
At some point, there has to be a limit on how much land can be used for sugar cane production—certainly if you want to preserve natural habitats and native wildlife.(有些时候必须限制用来生产甘蔗的土地面积——当然,如果你想保护自然栖息地和本土野生动物的话。)
It doesn't require as much fertilizer as corn does to grow, but when they burn the sugar cane fields, that releases loads of greenhouse gases.(它的生长不像玉米那样需要很多肥料,但是他们燃烧甘蔗田时会释放大量的温室气体。)
The cane toad itself became a pest and has destroyed much of the wildlife on that continent.(蔗蜍本身变成了一种害虫,并且已经破坏了那片大陆上的很多野生动物。)
Using his cane heavily, he moved jerkily toward the car.(费劲地拄着拐杖,他匆忙磕绊着走向那辆车。)
Lactic acid production from sucrose and sugar cane bagasse by Rhizopus oryzae was studied.(这研究了米根霉从蔗糖和甘蔗渣中生产乳酸的方法。)
I mean, as the population grows and there are more vehicles on the roads and there's more machinery, surely they can't depend so much on sugar cane?(我是说,随着人口增长,路上车辆更多了,机械也更多了,他们肯定不能只依赖于甘蔗(作为生物燃料)吧?)
It's likely the boy king walked with a cane.(很可能这个孩子国需要拄着一个拐杖才能走路。)
His village home lay there at the end of the waste land beyond the sugar-cane field.(他的家就在荒地边缘的村庄里,在甘蔗园之后。)
The most common type of child abuse, is beating with the hands or with an instrument, usually a cane in some places.(最常见的虐待儿童的类型是用手或工具殴打,在有些地方通常是用手杖。)