
  • 详情解释31I中文字网

  • 双解释义31I中文字网

  • 英英释义31I中文字网

  • 词典解释31I中文字网

  • 网络解释31I中文字网

  • 把...分类,分(为)...种,列(为)...类
  • 将...分等级
  • 分等,分级,分类,归类
  • 将...归入某类
  • 将列入机密类,把...列为密件
  • 保密,机密
  • 划分,区分
  • 界定
  • 分成密级
  • vt. 分类; 归类 arrange in classes or groups; put in to a class


一. arrange or order by classes or categories31I中文字网

e.g. How would you classify these pottery shards--are they prehistoric?31I中文字网

Synonym: classsortassortsort outseparate31I中文字网

二. assign to a class or kind31I中文字网

e.g. How should algae be classified?
People argue about how to relegate certain mushrooms31I中文字网

Synonym: relegate31I中文字网

三. declare unavailable, as for security reasons31I中文字网

e.g. Classify these documents31I中文字网

一. 把…分类;为…归类
To classify things means to divide them into groups or types so that things with similar characteristics are in the same group.31I中文字网

e.g. It is necessary initially to classify the headaches into certain types...
e.g. Rocks can be classified according to their mode of origin...

...the arbitrary classification of knowledge into fields of study.
...the British Board of Film Classification.

一. classify的解释31I中文字网

一. 分门别类:由上所述,人们根据用户的目的将场景分门别类(classify)而得到不同的Use Case. 由于同类(Use Case)内场景大同小异,所以就可把其共同而重要的特点(如活动和顺序)以文字描述出来,根据 Wirfs-Brock 的建议,可只描述用户与系统间的对话,31I中文字网

二. 数据分类:分类树的真正的目的是将数据分类(classify)到不同组或分支中,在依赖变量的值上建立最强划分. 用分类树的方法解决这个问题时,通常需要以下四个方面的数据:一)中心点的位置;二)每个中心点的业务需求量;三)备选点的位置;31I中文字网

三. 分级:以实现更高层次的组件管理. System库是ArcGIS框架中最底层的一个库,它提供了一些可以为其它库使用的组件,这些组件都是非常基本的. 如数组(Array)、集合(Sets)、Xml对象、Stream对象、分级(Classify)对象和数字格式(NumberFormat)对象等.31I中文字网

  • 常用例句31I中文字网

  • 词汇搭配31I中文字网

  • Librarians spend a lot of time classifying books.
  • In a library books are usually classified by subjects.
用作动词 (v.)
  • classify according to根据…把…分级
  • classify among使归入…类
  • classify as使属于…之列
  • classify by按…把…分类
  • classify into把…分类为
  • classify with使归入…类
  • 考研真题例句31I中文字网

考研真题例句 OG 一.classify

In signing the measure, California Governor Jerry Brown admitted that the law, which expressly classifies people on the basis of sex, is probably unconstitutional.31I中文字网



考研真题例句 OG 二.classify

If the answer is "yes," they are classified as working part-time.31I中文字网



考研真题例句 OG 三.classify

They are only classified as voluntary part-time workers if they tell the survey taker they chose to work less than 三五 hours a week.31I中文字网



  • 近义词31I中文字网

  • 反义词31I中文字网

  • 临近词31I中文字网

  • assort
  • arrange
  • declassify不再当机密文件处理...
  • classify effect
  • Classify system
  • classify with
  • classification
  • classify by
  • classifying map
  • classmate
  • classify as
  • classify among
  • classify into
  • classify method
  • classifying
The distinction between pheromones and odorants—chemicals that are consciously detected as odors—can be blurry, and some researchers classify pheromones as a type of odorant.(信息素和odorants(被检测为气味的化学物质)之间的区别可能是模糊的,一些研究人员将信息素归类为一种odorant。)
Since TLUs can classify, they know stuff.(既然TLU懂得分类,它们就知道素材。)
This is true regardless of how we classify the service.(无论我们如何对服务进行分类,这都是真的。)
The effort to classify and categorise disorders of something as complex as the human mind.(对精神障碍的分类和归类作出的努力就像人类思维那样复杂。)
The major difference seems to be in how they classify their attorneys.(主要的区别似乎在于他们如何对他们的律师进行分类。)
She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.(她犹豫了一下,不知道该将自己归为哪一类。)
Publish and classify MathService.wsdl.(发布并对MathService.wsdl进行分类。)
At the same time, the Net is increasingly populated with spiders, worms, agents and other types of automated beasts designed to penetrate the sites and seek out and classify information.(与此同时,网络上的蜘蛛、蠕虫、代理程序和其他类型的自动化病毒越来越多,这些病毒旨在渗透站点,寻找信息并对其进行分类。)
But, first of all, let us classify rhetoric into its varieties.(但首先让我们将修辞学加以分类。)
Cheese is hard to classify.(我们很难把乳酪分门别类。)