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  • 自满的,自鸣自得的 calmly satisfied with oneself, one's work, etc.


一. contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions7Bl中文字网

e.g. he had become complacent after years of success
his self-satisfied dignity7Bl中文字网

Synonym: self-satisfiedself-complacent7Bl中文字网

一. 自满的;沾沾自喜的;满不在乎的
A complacent person is very pleased with themselves or feels that they do not need to do anything about a situation, even though the situation may be uncertain or dangerous.7Bl中文字网


e.g. We cannot afford to be complacent about our health.
e.g. ...the Chancellor's complacent attitude towards the far-right's activities.

He sat back, smiling complacently at his own cleverness.

一. complacent的意思7Bl中文字网

一. 自满:而对于总理的上述言论,自由党外交事务评论家李博(Bob Rae)则回应说,哈珀给美国施加一些压力,让他们早日解决金融市场的问题的做法是正确的. 然而,总理还是过于自满(complacent),加拿大的金融市场本身也有问题需要解决.7Bl中文字网

二. 自满的:动力impetus; driving force; momentum | 自满的complacent | 第一流的first-rate; excellent7Bl中文字网

三. 洋洋自得,自满的:compile 编篡,编辑 | complacent 洋洋自得,自满的 | complaisant 谦恭,有礼,顺从的7Bl中文字网

四. 自满的,自鸣自得的:令人满足的splendid | 自满的,自鸣自得的complacent | 脆弱的brittle7Bl中文字网

  • 常用例句7Bl中文字网

  • The winner's complacent smile annoyed some people.
  • 词语用法7Bl中文字网

  • complacent表示“自满的,自鸣自得的”,可指没有怨言而洋洋自得,也可指小有成绩而沾沾自喜,尤指该成就和自己并无多大关系的沾沾自喜,因而含有令人生厌的意味。
  • 近义词7Bl中文字网

  • 反义词7Bl中文字网

  • 临近词7Bl中文字网

  • self-satisfied
  • contented
  • pleased
  • proud
  • discontented
  • complacently
  • complacent in
  • complacently or inanely foolish.
  • complain
  • complacency
Savor the moment, by all means. But don't get complacent.(想方设法地享受这个时刻吧,但不要忘乎所以。)
Yet Mr Erdogan cannot afford to be complacent.(然而Erdogan先生还不能自满。)
But that doesn't mean it can afford to grow complacent.(但这并不意味着谷歌能够骄傲自满。)
But the big Internet firms seem to have been worryingly complacent.(但似乎那些大的网络企业一直都扬扬自得自命不凡。)
We can't grow complacent.(我们不可固步自封。)
This is no time to be complacent.(我们没有时间自满。)
Begin by identifying aspects of the job that you've grown complacent about.(要开始留意到你对工作变得自满的方方面面。)
We must not become complacent about progress.(我们决不能因进步变得自满。)
They get lazy, complacent, and self-satisfied.(他们变的懒惰,自满,自鸣自得。)
We discussed the questions: When were you complacent?(我们讨论过这些问题:你什么时候自满过?)