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一. draw back, as with fear or painQFj中文字网

e.g. she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calfQFj中文字网

Synonym: flinchsquinchfunkshrinkwincerecoilquailQFj中文字网

二. show submission or fearQFj中文字网

Synonym: fawncrawlcreepcowergrovelQFj中文字网

一. 为…觉得难为情;对…感到厌恶;退缩
If you cringe at something, you feel embarrassed or disgusted, and perhaps show this feeling in your expression or by making a slight movement.QFj中文字网


e.g. Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar...
e.g. Chris had cringed at the thought of using her own family for publicity...

一. 畏缩:/cough 咳嗽 | /cringe 畏缩 | /curious 好奇QFj中文字网

二. 你害怕得發抖:cower 你怕得一直发抖. | cringe 你害怕得发抖. | cry 你一阵悲从中来,不由得号啕大哭.QFj中文字网

三. (奉承):/crack (响指) | /cringe (奉承) | /cry (哭泣)QFj中文字网

四. cringe是什么意思QFj中文字网

四. 向 卑躬屈膝,摇尾乞怜:caress 抚摸 | cringe 向 卑躬屈膝,摇尾乞怜 | cry 向 嚎啕大哭QFj中文字网

  • 经典引文QFj中文字网

  • Performing cringes and congees like a court-chamberlain.QFj中文字网

  • Alternative fits of swagger cringe.QFj中文字网

    出自:Thomas Hughes
  • Bridges that made Anne's flesh cringe with..fear.QFj中文字网

    出自:L. M. Montgomery
  • The dogs cringed to the ground and whined piteously.QFj中文字网

    出自:J. Steinbeck
  • Some of the things I'm supposed to say..make me cringe with embarrassment.QFj中文字网

    出自:D. Lodge
  • 近义词QFj中文字网

  • 临近词QFj中文字网

  • blush脸红
  • recoil退却
  • crouch蹲下
  • squinch挤压
  • wince畏缩
  • jump跳跃
  • crawl爬行
  • funk惧怕
  • start开始
  • squirm(因不舒适、羞愧或紧张而...
  • grovel趴
  • fawn未满周岁的小鹿...
  • shrink收缩
  • quail鹌鹑
  • creep蹑手蹑脚地走...
  • squat蹲下
  • flinch畏缩
  • cower畏缩
  • crinkle
  • cringer
  • crimson
  • cringeworthy
So when I hear scientists say, "the data speak for themselves," I cringe.(当我听到科学家们说‘数据自然会说出一切’的时候,我泪流满面。)
No one wants to have to cringe when they tell people where they work.(在说到自己从事的工作时,没有人愿意畏畏缩缩。)
People say I was the greatest ever to play to the game. I cringe a little bit.(人们说我是这项运动的历史上最优秀的球员,对此我感到诚惶诚恐,如果作为一个观点我可以接受。)
So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you.(因你的大能仇敌要投降你。)
I cringe when I think of the poems I wrote then.(每当我想起我那时写的诗歌就感到很难堪。)
Many of these people drove me crazy, but they also made me laugh and cringe, because I could see myself in some of them.(书中的很多人曾令我发疯,但他们也让我发笑和感到害怕,因为我在他们身上看到我的影子。)
It's their unintended consequences that make me cringe.(是它们未被料想到的后果令我往后退缩。)
If I'm up front, I cringe as people walk by.(如果我坐在前面,人们通过时,我会感到难为情。)
School teachers probably cringe at this kind of pronunciation.(学校的老师们对这样的发音恐怕是不敢恭维。)
How the word made the leap from "someone who makes you want to cuddle" to "someone who makes you cringe" isn't really known but there are a few enticing clues.(这个词是如何从“一个让你想要拥抱的人”变成“一个让你畏缩的人”,我们不得而知,但其中有一些诱人的线索。)