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一. a sharp sound made by small birds or insectsojB中文字网



一. make high-pitched soundsojB中文字网

e.g. the birds were chirping in the bushesojB中文字网

Synonym: peepcheepchirrupojB中文字网

二. sing in modulationojB中文字网

Synonym: tweedleojB中文字网

一. (鸟、昆虫)啾啾叫,发唧唧声
When a bird or an insect such as a cricket or grasshopper chirps, it makes short high-pitched sounds.ojB中文字网

e.g. The crickets chirped faster and louder.

...the chirping of birds.

二. (人)欢快地高声说话,叽叽喳喳
You say that a person chirps when they say something in a cheerful, high-pitched voice.ojB中文字网

e.g. 'See you soon, I hope!' chirped my mother.

一. chirp什么意思ojB中文字网

一. 线性调频脉冲:<七> 端口逻辑-- 一面执行复位/中止/恢复(Reset)/线性调频脉冲(Chirp)检测,输出Reset/chirp,一面对SIE工作模式(HS/FS)或USB接收/发送操作进行控制. 高清晰多媒体接口(HDMI)是对基带信号进行数字传输的接口,ojB中文字网

二. chirp的翻译ojB中文字网

二. (鸟,虫的叫声)唧唧:canary 金丝雀 | chirp (鸟,虫的叫声)唧唧 | squeak (老鼠等)吱吱ojB中文字网

  • 近义词ojB中文字网

  • 临近词ojB中文字网

  • twitter吱吱叫
  • twirp鄙劣之人
  • squeak吱吱声
  • beep哔哔声
  • tweedle啁啾声
  • cheep吱吱地叫
  • peep瞥见
  • tweet小鸟的啁啾声...
  • chirrup吱喳声
  • Chirpac
  • chirping
  • chirpiness
  • Chirpan
  • Chirpaz
  • chirps
  • chisel
  • chirpaur
  • chirpily
  • chirpy
  • Chirpisizu
  • chipmunk
When birds, with invasion of the chirp, and homing.(晚归的鸟儿,啁啾着侵入斜阳,然后归巢。)
At this year's CHIRP Conference, Twitter revealed that it's attempting to address some of these very issues.(在今年的CHIRP会议上,Twitter透露它将尝试解决这些问题。)
You listen to, "chirp" sound, is the bird happy music, they are like the willow girl musicians, willow.(你们听,“叽叽喳喳”的声音,是小鸟欢乐的乐曲,他们就像柳姑娘的乐师,为杨柳伴奏。)
Play chirp the time of played chirp in ms.(播放声音播放的短促声波的时间,以毫秒表示。)
Chirp up the chirp is played from start frequency to the end frequency.(短促声波开始短促声波从起动频率对结束频率播放。)
Panksepp has studied rats and found that when they play, they often chirp—a primitive form of laughter, according to the scientist.(潘克塞普曾对老鼠进行了相关研究,他发现,当老鼠玩耍的时候,他们经常发出一种唧唧喳喳很尖的声音——根据科学家表示,这是笑的一种原始形态。)
So a sound sleep may help you find your car keys. Especially if they [car keys chirp sound] while you [snore sound].(这样,打个盹儿也许能帮助你找到车钥匙,尤其是在你睡觉的时候有开车门那种特别 的“啾啾”声响起。)
The cricket's chirp and the patter of rain come to me through the dark.(蟋蟀的啁啾,夜雨的吧嗒,穿越黑暗传至我的耳边。)
Here is not the forest, no fresh greenery, no birds chirp.(这儿不是森林,没有新鲜的绿意,没有鸟语啁啾。)
Even muting your device to stop audio alerts can end that impulse we all have to check our phones whenever they chirp.(甚至是将手机静音来阻止提醒音的出现都可以终止我们只要手机一有振动音就去查看的冲动。)