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  • [C]领事馆 the offices (and sometimes living quarters) of a consul



一. diplomatic building that serves as the residence or workplace of a consulyMh中文字网

一. 领事馆
A consulate is the place where a consul works.yMh中文字网

e.g. They managed to make contact with the British consulate in Lyons.

一. 领事馆:签证是由美国大使馆(Embassy)或领事馆(Consulate)加盖在护照上的一个图章(Stamp),签证是外籍人士在一定的时间内(有效期内,即签证上标注的时间内)以一定的签证身份入境美国,持有人可在签证有效期之内一次、两次或多次入境.yMh中文字网

二. 事馆:成为美国永久居民总体来说有两种途径:第一种是领事馆(Consulate)作业,另外一种是在美国境内调整身份. 顾名思义,领事馆作业就是指向美国驻海外领事馆申请,受益人理所当然是在自己的母国;而调整身份是针对受益人已经在美国境内而言的,yMh中文字网

三. 英国亚瑟王威士忌:英国威廉威士忌WARRIORS | 英国亚瑟王威士忌CONSULATE | 法国雷司令X.O LARRESSINGLE XO ARMAGNACyMh中文字网

四. consulate什么意思yMh中文字网

四. 领事:consulate general 总领事馆 | consulate 领事 | consulship 领事的职位yMh中文字网

  • 常用例句yMh中文字网

  • He went to the American consulate in Marseilles afternoon.
  • 近义词yMh中文字网

  • 临近词yMh中文字网

  • embassy大使馆
  • consulate economic commercial sections
  • consul
  • consulate general
  • Consulate?General?of?Mongolia?in?Huhehaote?
  • Consulate Building
  • consulate office
  • consulate protection
  • consulate-general
  • consult
  • Consulate General of Ireland Shanghai
  • consulate employee
  • consulate staff
The Russian consulate was closed because of a holiday, and their luggage made the trip without them.(因为是假日,俄罗斯领事馆也已经关门了,他们行李还仍旧被运往圣彼得堡。)
Here at the Guangzhou Consulate, the increases have been even greater.(广州总领馆这里的增幅更大。)
Could you call the consulate?(你可以打电话给领事馆吗?)
He called the British Consulate and they escorted me to the Shanghai No.一 Psychiatric Hospital.(他马上给英国领事馆打电话,领事馆的工作人员接着把我护送到了上海市民政第一精神病院。)
The first Australian consulate officials will travel to the East Timor capital next week.(第一批澳大利亚领事馆官员将于下周前往东帝汶首都。)
But unlike any normal consulate, his visitors are dead.(但不同于任何正常的领事馆,他的访客都是死者。)
As soon as the formalities had been got over, the consulate was quick to issue the work permit.(正式手续一办完,领事馆就很快签发了工作许可证。)
Guests also showed great interest to the books about China distributed by the Consulate General.(来宾们还对总领馆内摆放的外宣图书表现出浓厚的兴趣,纷纷索取。)
As well as serving the consular needs of Australians in the region, the consulate will facilitate Australia's support to the United Nations assistance mission in East Timor.(除了满足澳大利亚人在该地区的领事需要之外,领事馆还将推动澳大利亚对联合国在东帝汶的支援任务的支持。)
Usually you can call that country's embassy or consulate.(通常你可以打电话给那个国家的大使馆或领事馆。)