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一. a state of deep and often prolonged unconsciousness
usually the result of disease or injuryJwS中文字网

Synonym: comatosenessJwS中文字网

二. (astronomy) the luminous cloud of particles surrounding the frozen nucleus of a comet
forms as the comet approaches the sun and is warmedJwS中文字网

三. (botany) a usually terminal tuft of bracts (as in the pineapple) or tuft of hairs (especially on certain seeds)JwS中文字网

一. 昏迷
Someone who is in a coma is in a state of deep unconsciousness.JwS中文字网

e.g. She was in a coma for seven weeks...
e.g. She had slipped into a coma by the time she reached hospital.

一. 昏迷:推荐韩国恐怖电影<>(COMA)系列,值得一看. (含剧情内容介绍)推荐韩国恐怖电影<>(COMA)系列,值得一看. (含剧情内容介绍)JwS中文字网

二. 彗差:核心提示:像差是一个光学概念,最早在几何光学和物理光学领域应用,如几何光学中的色差(chromatic aberration)、球差(spherical aberration)、彗差(coma)等和物理光学中的波前像差(wavefront aberration),又称波阵面像差.JwS中文字网

三. 昏睡:意识混浊又可根据清晰度障碍和轻度不同而区别为嗜眠(sopor)、昏睡(coma). 所谓朦胧状态是意识内容的变化. 从生物学角度看来,在机体生存的适应活动中,由发达的中枢神经系统产生的主观性这一侧面,可称为意识. 脑生理学家认为,JwS中文字网

四. coma什么意思JwS中文字网

四. coma:computer operations management association; 计算机操作管理协会(美国)JwS中文字网

五. coma:cache only memory access; 全高速缓存存取JwS中文字网

  • 近义词JwS中文字网

  • 临近词JwS中文字网

  • oblivion遗忘
  • stupor昏迷
  • blackout断电
  • unconsciousness无意识
  • comatoseness昏迷
  • COM
  • comate
  • Comair
  • Comay
  • Comati
  • Comarr
  • Comar
  • Coman
  • Comai
  • comal
  • comatose
A coma slowly develops, and eventually death occurs.(然后患者渐渐陷入昏迷,最后死亡。)
She was in a coma for seven weeks.(她昏迷了七周。)
I'm not sure whether this really should be called a coma.(我不确定这是否真的该被称作昏迷。)
Spiders coma down from a tree.(从树上下来一群蜘蛛。)
I found her in a coma, totally unresponsive.(我发现她昏迷了,完全没有反应。)
she will come out of the coma, I just know it.(她一定会醒过来的,我肯定她会的。)
It can also cause the heart or breathing to stop and can induce a coma.(它还能引起心脏或呼吸停止以及昏迷。)
Shock, seizures, tremor, disorientation, and coma may be seen in the late stages.(晚期可见休克、癫痫发作、震颤、定向障碍和昏迷。)
Of course, to turn the on-off switch on is harder when somebody's in a coma.(当然要开启这个开关难度更大,当人陷入昏迷。)
Death doesn't come suddenly. It usually results in weakness and then a coma.(致死的事件也不是突发的,当事人在食用后往往是起初虚弱无力,而后陷入昏迷。)