
  • 双解释义Iy7中文字网

  • 英英释义Iy7中文字网

  • 词典解释Iy7中文字网

  • 网络解释Iy7中文字网

  • [P]导致…的,有助于…的 likely to produce;helping(an especially desirable result) to happen



一. tending to bring about
being partly responsible forIy7中文字网

e.g. working conditions are not conducive to productivity
the seaport was a contributing factor in the growth of the city
a contributory factorIy7中文字网

Synonym: contributing(a)contributivecontributorytributaryIy7中文字网

一. 有助(于…)的;有益(于…)的
If one thing is conducive to another thing, it makes the other thing likely to happen.Iy7中文字网

e.g. Make your bedroom as conducive to sleep as possible...
e.g. Sometimes the home environment just isn't conducive to reading.

一. conducive的解释Iy7中文字网

一. 有益于:conduce || 导致, 有利于 | conducive || 有益于 | conducively || 有益地, 有助地Iy7中文字网

二. Iy7中文字网

二. 有助的,有益的,促成的:compensate 补偿,赔偿 | conducive 有助的,有益的,促成的 | confrontation 对抗Iy7中文字网

三. 有助于...的:有说服力:Cogent;Convincing;Compelling;Persuasive | 有助于......的:Conducive | 愚蠢之举:BlunderIy7中文字网

四. 有益于...的:conduce 有助 | conducive 有益于...的 | conducively 有助地Iy7中文字网

  • 常用例句Iy7中文字网

  • The place offers every condition conducive to a happy vacation.
  • 近义词Iy7中文字网

  • 临近词Iy7中文字网

  • favorable有利的
  • profitable有益的
  • contributory有贡献的
  • contributing贡献的
  • beneficial有利的
  • helpful有帮助的
  • advantageous有利的
  • favourable赞成的
  • contributive 贡献的
  • encouraging令人鼓舞的
  • tributary纳贡的
  • conducive to
  • conducively
  • Conducive to idleness or indolence
  • conduct
  • conduce
There really is not much code involved, which is conducive to great performance.(实际上这个过程不需要很多代码,这一点有助于取得好的性能。)
Imposing pressure or sanctions is not conducive to solving the issue.(施压或制裁不利于问题的解决。)
Chairs in rows are not as conducive to discussion as chairs arranged in a circle.(椅子成排摆放不如成圈摆放便于讨论。)
Maintain a work environment conducive to productivity.(保持工作环境,有利于生产率。)
Perhaps the Red Planet was even conducive to life.(这个火红的星球甚至可能曾有利于生物的繁衍。)
Relevant actions of the international community should be conducive to this end.(国际社会有关行动也应有助于此。)
Exercise is conducive to good health.(体育锻炼有助于增强体质。)
All parties have done their jobs conducive to peace and talks. And what did China do?(各方都进行了劝和和促谈工作,中方作了那些努力?)
It also makes setting the optimization goal more conducive to a tuning-on-the-fly strategy.(此外,这也使得设置优化目标更加有助于动态调优策略。)
It's not exactly conducive to maintaining a tidy figure or good posture through the years.(年复一年,这完全不利于保持良好的体型。)