Suki Cooper, commodities analyst, Barclays capital.(索奇·库珀,期货分析师,巴克莱银行。)
One of the best-known badges is Cooper.(库柏是最有名的汽车标牌之一。)
She writes under the nom de plume of Alison Cooper.(她的笔名是艾莉森·库珀。)
Cooper: So who's that?(库珀:那是谁啊?)
Martin Cooper altered forever the definition of "there."(MartinCooper永远的改变了“那里”的定义。)
"Every time we come, we learn something," Cooper said.(库伯说:“每次来这里,我们都能有所收获。”)
Yeah, Gary Cooper was the same.(是的,加里·库柏也是这样。)
Marissa Cooper suddenly pictured the shattered corpse of a rattlesnake lying bloody on a hot patch of yellowTexas sand so many years ago.(玛丽莎·库珀忽然想起了数年前,一条响尾蛇的尸体被击得粉碎,血迹斑斑地躺在德克萨斯炽热黄沙上。)
Mr Cooper credits his family for his subsequent success.(库珀将后来的成功归功于他的家庭环境。)
“Aha” experience – Alan Cooper(“Aha”经验——alancooper)