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一. affording an abundant supplyMhg中文字网

e.g. had ample food for the party
copious provisions
food is plentiful
a plenteous grape harvest
a rich supplyMhg中文字网

Synonym: ampleplenteousplentifulrichMhg中文字网

二. large in number or quantity (especially of discourse)Mhg中文字网

e.g. she took copious notes
a subject of voluminous legislationMhg中文字网

Synonym: voluminousMhg中文字网

一. 大量的;丰富的;充足的
A copious amount of something is a large amount of it.Mhg中文字网

e.g. I went out for a meal last night and drank copious amounts of red wine...
e.g. He attended his lectures and took copious notes.

The victims were bleeding copiously.

一. 很多的:coping 顶部 | copious 很多的 | copiously 丰富地Mhg中文字网

二. 很多的、广识的、丰富的:二二、innermost 最里面的、内心的、秘密的 | 二三、copious 很多的、广识的、丰富的 | 二四、notably 显著地、特别地Mhg中文字网

三. Mhg中文字网

三. 丰富的;大量的;冗长的:congenital(疾病,缺陷等)先天的,天生的 | copious丰富的;大量的;冗长的 | cumbersome拖累的,麻烦的,粗笨的Mhg中文字网

四. 丰富的,多产的:coop (鸡、)笼、栏 | copious 丰富的,多产的 | copyright 版权,著作权Mhg中文字网

  • 经典引文Mhg中文字网

  • A..toune copious in citizenis.Mhg中文字网

    出自:J. Dalrymple
  • Newgate's copious market.Mhg中文字网

    出自:J. Gay
  • Copious of flow'rs.Mhg中文字网

    出自:W. Cowper
  • More copious sources of knowledge.Mhg中文字网

    出自:W. H. Prescott
  • 近义词Mhg中文字网

  • 临近词Mhg中文字网

  • voluminous卷数多的
  • substantial大量的
  • affluent富裕的
  • abundant丰富的
  • profuse很多的
  • abounding丰富的
  • fruitful多产的
  • bountiful充足的
  • plentiful丰富的
  • ample丰富的
  • many许多的
  • plenteous许多的
  • liberal慷慨的
  • bounteous慷慨的
  • numerous为数众多的
  • rich富有的
  • copiousness
  • copious flux
  • copious tears
  • copiousity
  • copper
  • copious cooling
  • copious enema
  • copious style
  • copiously
  • copious writer
  • copier
  • copious notes
But aside from copious sand and sun, what else does China's 'forever tropical paradise' offer a visitor?(不过除了大量的海滩和充足的阳光之外,中国“永远的热带天堂”还能呈现给游客什么呢?)
And people are making copious use of that ability.(而人们也擅长使用这种能力。)
A copious rain began to fall.(沛然降雨。)
The more copious life's social behaviors are, the more likely they are to be subverted into mutually beneficial interactions.(生物的社会行为越丰富,就越有可能形成互惠互利的关系。)
We dedicate copious amounts of time and attention to our work to maintain our high personal standards.(我们在工作上花费很多时间和精力,以维持自己的高标准。)
Sure, the best way to prepare for a test is to faithfully attend class, take copious notes, and join a study group.(准备考试的最好方法时去听课,记大量的笔记,并参加学习小组。)
I will fix it in my copious free time.(我将在空闲时间纠正它。)
Monaco supposedly has one cop per 六二 inhabitants, plus copious CCTV cameras.(据说,摩纳哥每六二名居民中就有一名警察,还有遍布各处的闭路电视摄像头。)
There is little to suggest that offering copious prenatal exams to healthy pregnant women improves child welfare.(很少事实能证实 为健康的孕妇提供各种各样的产前检查能够促进儿童保健。)
I detached the front wheel, and they helped me put the bike inside the car's copious boot.(我把自行车的前轮拆下,他们帮我把车放进汽车宽敞的行李箱里。)