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  • 出现,到来,来临,光临,问世,来到
  • 基督降临,降临节,将临期(圣诞节前的四个星期)
  • 兴起
  • 使用
  • 交往
  • [U][S]出现; 来临; 降临 the coming of an important event, person, invention, etc.



一. arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous)pLp中文字网

e.g. the advent of the computerpLp中文字网

Synonym: comingpLp中文字网

一. (重大事件、发明或情况的)出现,问世,到来
The advent of an important event, invention, or situation is the fact of it starting or coming into existence.pLp中文字网

e.g. ...the leap forward in communication made possible by the advent of the mobile phone.
e.g. The advent of war led to a greater austerity.

二. (人物的)到达,到来
The advent of a person at a place is their arrival there.pLp中文字网


e.g. Deptford had come alive with the advent of the new priest at St Paul's.

一. advent的近义词pLp中文字网

一. 出现:第一段讲有学者认为女权主义与农奴废除antislavery(一八五零s)的出现(advent)是一起发生的. . 过去的历史学家将一八五零年的废奴运动作为妇女运动的发源,因为废奴主义使得女人懂得如何去争取自己的权力. 但是事实上不是这样的.pLp中文字网

二. 降临节:莎氏夫人在婚前就已怀孕,所以在降临节(Advent)前几天匆匆忙忙的请求教会举办手续,而且迫不及待的请求特准免去三次预告的手续,因为降临节一开始直到封斋期是不准结婚的.pLp中文字网

三. pLp中文字网

三. 將臨期:根据大公教会传统,将临期(Advent)乃教会年历之始,即教会的新年. 不同於锣鼓喧天的中国新年,教会的新年重视信徒的自省,一方面准备庆祝纪念基督道成肉身的圣诞奥迹,另一方面,则提醒信徒儆醒,准备基督第二次再临.pLp中文字网

四. adventpLp中文字网

四. 基督降临节:......请问有谁知道关于基督降临节(Advent)在中国的状况?(印象中大多数中国人不知道基督降临节,但是基督徒应该对此有所熟悉. )恳请帮忙告知中国基督徒是怎样庆祝的,会有什么活动,谢谢!!!!!!!!!!!......pLp中文字网

  • 常用例句pLp中文字网

  • 词汇搭配pLp中文字网

  • The advent of the Euro will redefine Europe.
  • Their eyes lit up at Mr. Robert's advent.
  • Before the advent of computers, not many people knew how to type.
  • This sort of work would have been inconceivable before the advent of microprocessors.
  • Britain was transformed by the advent of the steam engine.
  • People are much better informed since the advent of television.
  • Quills were the chief writing implement from the 六th century AD until the advent of steel pens in the mid 一九th century.
用作名词 (n.)
  • at the advent of spring在春天到来时
  • at the advent of the dry season在旱季到来时
  • with the advent of spring随着春天的到来
  • the advent of a new era新时代的来临
  • the advent of new technology新技术出现
  • the advent of space exploration空间探索的出现
  • 词语用法pLp中文字网

  • 词义讲解pLp中文字网

  • advent的基本意思是“出现; 来临; 降临”,主要用于季节、人物、重要事件、新产品、发明、新思想等,是不可数名词,但有时可加不定代词修饰。
advent, arrival
  • 这两个词都有“到来; 出现”的意思。其区别是:
  • advent往往指重要事件、时期或季节的出现或到来; 而arrival是一般用语,无特别 含义。
    • 近义词pLp中文字网

    • 临近词pLp中文字网

    • approach靠近
    • forthcoming即将到来的
    • Second Advent基督复临
    • access入口
    • accession到达
    • onset攻击
    • Parousia[宗]基督再临...
    • arrival到达
    • coming来临
    • appearance出现
    • emergence出现
    • Second Coming基督再临
    • near近的
    • Adventist
    • adventitia
    • adventure
    • Adventa
    • adventive
    • adventruous
    • Adventism
    • advents
    • adventurist
    • adventitial
    • adventurism
    • advantageous
    The advent of the mechanical clock meant that although it could be adjusted to maintain temporal hours, it was naturally suited to keeping equal ones.(机械时钟的出现意味着,尽管它可以通过调整来记录日光时,但是它本质上适合记录相等的时间。)
    The advent of new technologies has added about 四.二 million barrels per day to the crude oil market, contributing to a global over-supply.(新技术的出现使原油市场天天增加供给约四二零万桶,导致全球供给过剩。)
    The advent of new technologies has added about 四.二 million barrels per day to the crude oil market.(新技术的出现使原油市场天天增加了约四二零万桶的交易。)
    The advent of SOA infers a layered architectural model.(SOA的出现推导出一个分层架构模型。)
    With the advent of projection, the viewer's relationship with the image was no longer private, as it had been with earlier peepshow devices.("随着投影的出现,观众与图像的关系不再像早年使用西洋镜设备时那样私密。)
    With the advent of projection in 一八九五-一八九六, motion pictures became the ultimate form of mass consumption.(随着一八九五到一八九六年间投影技术的出现,电影成为大众消费的最终形式。)
    This, coupled with the advent of television in the 一九五零s, seriously compromised the studio system's influence and profits.(再加上二零世纪五零年代电视的出现,这严重损害了电影公司的影响力和利润。)
    From the advent of fear and wonder itself to the emergence of new space opera, Shelley covers hundreds of the most loved sci-fi works.(从惧怕 和惊奇的出现,到新式太空小说的兴起,雪莱创作的可视图覆盖了数百个最受欢迎的科幻作品。)
    It also focuses on the two key elements which influenced the emergence of the classic Hollywood studio system: the advent of sound and the business ideal of vertical integration.(它还关注了经典好莱坞工作室系统出现的两个关键影响因素:声音的出现和纵向一体化的商业理念。)
    By the 一九二零s, with the advent of the public dance movement, people were gathering in large groups to listen to steel guitar music.(到了二零世纪二零年代,随着大众舞蹈运动的出现,人们聚在一起听钢棒吉他乐。)