
  • 详情解释l7x中文字网

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  • 网络解释l7x中文字网

  • 一份
  • 失业救济金
  • 赈济物,施舍物,赈济品,救济物
  • 悲哀,悲叹
  • 施舍,救济
  • 多尔(音译名)
  • 少量的施舍物
  • 政府对失业者的救济
  • 命运,运气
  • 以小份发给,少量分发
  • 发给,发放(赈济物)
  • 施舍,发放救济
  • 少量地发放(救济品)
  • 少量配给(常与out连用)
  • [C]救济物 alms
  • [S]失业救济金 welfare


一. money received from the statel7x中文字网

Synonym: pogypogeyl7x中文字网

二. a share of money or food or clothing that has been charitably givenl7x中文字网

一. (政府定期发放的)失业救济金
The dole or dole is money that is given regularly by the government to people who are unemployed.l7x中文字网



in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 welfare

二. 定期领取失业救济金
Someone who is on the dole is registered as unemployed and receives money from the government.l7x中文字网

e.g. It's not easy living on the dole.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 on welfare

相关词组:dole outl7x中文字网

一. 多勒:这是一颗多微晶钻石(黑金刚石):微晶质结构,结晶方位随机. 这是世界上最大的黑色钻石. 它的产地不太确定,可能来自中非或巴西. 二零零一年钻石在法国汝拉省(Jura)多勒(Dole)的节日大厅以一 二零零万法国法郎(一 九零零万l7x中文字网

二. 施舍品:doldrums 忧郁 | dole 施舍品 | doleful 悲哀的l7x中文字网

三. dole的翻译l7x中文字网

三. 悲哀:doldrums情绪低落 | dole 悲哀 | dolorous悲哀的l7x中文字网

四. dole:distributed ole; 分布式对象链接和嵌入l7x中文字网

五. l7x中文字网

五. dole:department of labor and employment; 劳工暨就业部l7x中文字网

  • 相关词组l7x中文字网

  • 常用例句l7x中文字网

  • 经典引文l7x中文字网

一. be on the dole : 领取失业救济金;l7x中文字网

  • They have accepted doles.
  • Many families are living on the dole since the strike.
  • A man out of work and drawing the dole.l7x中文字网

    出自:R. Hoggart
  • At each meal he carefully doled out the food.l7x中文字网

    出自:A. Moorehead
  • 近义词l7x中文字网

  • 临近词l7x中文字网

  • gift
  • benefit
  • Dolen
  • Dolev
  • Doley
  • Dolek
  • Dolet
  • Dolenc
  • Dolej
  • doleful
  • Dolez
  • Dolea
  • doldrums
  • dolene
In 一九九零, Dole encouraged Bair to run for an open House seat in Kansas.(一九九零年,多尔鼓励拜尔公开竞选堪萨斯州的众议员席位。)
It is very difficult to save while on the dole but I am determined.(靠救济金想存一些钱是很难的,但我决心已定。)
By coincidence, Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich were on the morning news programs.(巧合的是,鲍勃·多尔和纽特·金里奇出现在那天的早间新闻节目上。)
He had to live in the uncertainty on the dole.(他不得不靠救济金过着不安定的生活。)
I worry about what we're giving up for the corporate dole.(我很担忧,当我们放弃了这些公司的资助后会怎样。)
There are also many unanswered questions over how to dole out the money.(也有很多关于如何发放资金的问题没有得到回答。)
The number of jobless Britons claiming the dole is now about 九六零, 零零零.(现在申领失业救济金的英国人大约有九六万。)
By the end of the year, only 九% were still on the dole; average household income increased by 一七%.(年末,仅有九%的人任然享受平困救济;平均家庭收入增长一七%。)
They stuck by Dole.(他们把由失业救济金。)
Whatever you called him, Dole was suddenly king of the hill.(不管你选召他、都乐是忽然国王的山。)