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  • 水滴
  • 滴(下)
  • 滴注器
  • 滴水声,滴滴答答
  • 滴下之液体
  • 使人厌烦的人,讨厌鬼
  • 滴水槽
  • 点滴
  • 【建】滴水
  • 【机】滴水器
  • 滴口
  • 引管
  • 采酸管
  • 【医】滴注(法)
  • 伤感
  • 漏下,漏水
  • (使)滴下(液体),(使)滴落
  • 湿淋淋,淋漓
  • 溢出,流出(液体)
  • 发出
  • 滴,滴出,滴水
  • 滴下湿透,渗透,湿透
  • 撒下
  • 滴干
  • 含有
  • 充满,充溢
  • vt. & vi. (使)滴下 fall or let fall in drops
  • vi. 滴出,漏下 produce small drops of liquid


一. (architecture) a projection from a cornice or sill designed to protect the area below from rainwater (as over a window or doorway)19G中文字网

Synonym: drip molddrip mould19G中文字网

二. the sound of a liquid falling drop by drop19G中文字网

e.g. the constant sound of dripping irritated him19G中文字网

Synonym: dripping19G中文字网

三. flowing in drops
the formation and falling of drops of liquid19G中文字网

e.g. there's a drip through the roof19G中文字网

Synonym: trickledribble19G中文字网


一. let or cause to fall in drops19G中文字网

e.g. dribble oil into the mixture19G中文字网

Synonym: dribbledrop19G中文字网

二. fall in drops19G中文字网

e.g. Water is dripping from the faucet19G中文字网

一. (使)滴下
When liquid drips somewhere, or you drip it somewhere, it falls in individual small drops.19G中文字网

e.g. Sit your child forward and let the blood drip into a tissue or on to the floor...
e.g. Amid the trees the sea mist was dripping...

二. (液体)滴出,滴下
When something drips, drops of liquid fall from it.19G中文字网

e.g. A tap in the kitchen was dripping...
e.g. Lou was dripping with perspiration...

三. 水滴;滴液
A drip is a small individual drop of a liquid.19G中文字网

e.g. Drips of water rolled down the trousers of his uniform.

四. (医用)滴注器
A drip is a piece of medical equipment by which a liquid is slowly passed through a tube into a patient's blood.19G中文字网

e.g. I had a bad attack of pneumonia and spent two days in hospital on a drip.

五. 含有;充满;充溢
If you say that something is dripping with a particular thing, you mean that it contains a lot of that thing.19G中文字网

e.g. They were dazed by window displays dripping with diamonds and furs...
e.g. His voice was dripping with sarcasm.

六. 笨蛋;懦夫;平庸乏味者
If you call someone a drip, you mean that they are rather stupid and lacking in enthusiasm or energy.19G中文字网



七. see also: drip-dry;dripping19G中文字网

一. 19G中文字网

一. 滴水:增强口味 防止由PH缓冲所引起的口味变差及防治解冻时产生的滴水(drip)现象,防止味道流失,同时使得对味道主成份五-Nucleotide进行加水分解的酵素失去活性,增强口味.19G中文字网

二. 滴:(一)美国滴滴坊咖啡(DRIP DROP CAFE)的背景真正的义式咖啡要萃取的好并不容易,除了必须专业还必须搭配真正好的咖啡豆,在高压萃取的过程中,浓缩咖啡就像漂亮的玛瑙,一滴(DRIP)一滴(DROP)被萃取出来,既有动感又有美感,19G中文字网

三. drip什么意思19G中文字网

三. 滴灌:喷、滴灌技术的研究应用已遍及全国. 所谓喷灌(spray irrigation)就是借助动力设备把水喷到空中成水滴降落到植物和土壤上. 这种方法既可解除大气干旱和土壤干旱,保持土壤团粒结构,防止土壤盐碱化,又可节约用水. 所谓滴灌(drip19G中文字网

四. 滴,漏:而不是额定值. 现在家用充电器的定义还涉及其是否销售给一般消费者;此外,家用产品若被重新分级为商业用途时,可能需要将电源线更改成给商业用的特定电源线. 外壳需要进行滴漏 (Drip) 测试以确认是否符合安全要求.19G中文字网

  • 常用短语19G中文字网

  • 常用例句19G中文字网

  • 词汇搭配19G中文字网

  • 经典引文19G中文字网

    充满; 盖满be very full of or covered with
    be dripping with sth

    What he said that dripped with false sweetness.19G中文字网


    The woman was dripping with expensive jewels.19G中文字网


  • The tap was dripping.
  • Water is dripping from the roof.
用作动词 (v.)
  • drip down〔from〕从…滴下
  • An awning..to keep the drips off.19G中文字网

    出自:V. L. Cameron
  • He dripped the heavy black oil into the well of each machine.19G中文字网

    出自:G. Greene
  • His head still dripped water from the scrubbing and dousing.19G中文字网

    出自:J. Steinbeck
  • 词源解说19G中文字网

  • ☆ 一五世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古英语的dryppan,意为滴,落。
  • 近义词19G中文字网

  • 临近词19G中文字网

  • drop
  • drink
  • dripdry
  • dripple
  • dripped
  • dripdrop
  • drippan
  • drippy
  • drip pot
  • Drippey
  • dripper
  • dript
  • drive
Suddenly he heard the drip of the water.(忽然他闻声水滴声。)
With the bottom of the projection of a white transparent container filled with water, then drip in the water the color ink or oil-based paint.(用一个装满水的白色透明容器的投影的底部,然后在水面点滴彩墨或油基的颜料。)
Store it on the bottom shelf so no juices can drip on to other food.(把它放在最底层,这样就不会有果汁滴到其他食物上。)
The correctly shaped hill can catch fog, or funnel drip into a canyon.(合适的山形确就能留住浓雾,或能把水滴注入进大峡谷。)
So he agreed to add an iodine drip into his salt grinder.(所以,他同意在他的盐中加入碘。)
No drip, no oxygen mask, no injections, no resuscitation.(没有给她输液,没有给她供氧,没有给她注射针剂,没有急救措施。)
Drip, or "micro" irrigation, as the name suggests, is stingier with the water, delivering it to the roots of plants drop by drop.(滴灌,或者“微”灌溉,顾名思义,是更吝啬于水,把水一滴一滴地滴到植物的根部。)
Something in the drip began to wane.(点滴里的药劲儿开始消退。)
Blood began to drip from the sheep's nose.(血开始从羊鼻子里滴出来。)
C And then you slowly drip into C here.(然后缓慢地滴到这儿的。)