
  • 详情解释8B5中文字网

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  • 英英释义8B5中文字网

  • 词典解释8B5中文字网

  • 网络解释8B5中文字网

  • 派出,发出,送出,发送(邮件、信息)
  • 调遣,派遣,调度
  • 处决,就地处决人犯
  • 迅速处理,迅速了结,快速处理,迅速办妥,从速处理,迅速完成,速办,速了
  • 赶紧,匆忙做
  • 匆匆吃完
  • 杀死
  • 结束,终止
  • 除去
  • 急件,快信,急报
  • 派遣,调遣,调度
  • 发送
  • 电讯,新闻稿,快电
  • 派遣,发送
  • 迅速,急速
  • 处理
  • 速办
  • 敏捷
  • 杀死,处死,正法
  • 《电讯报》
  • vt. 派遣,调遣,发送 send sb/sth off to a destination or for a special purpose
  • vt. 〈非正〉匆匆吃〔做〕完 finish (especially food) quickly
  • [C]急件,快信 official message or report sent quickly
  • [C](记者发回的)新闻报道,电讯 report sent to a newspaper or news agency
  • [U]派遣,调遣 dispatching


一. the act of sending off something8B5中文字网

Synonym: despatchshipment8B5中文字网

二. killing a person or animal8B5中文字网

Synonym: despatch8B5中文字网

三. the property of being prompt and efficient8B5中文字网

e.g. it was done with dispatch8B5中文字网

Synonym: despatchexpeditionexpeditiousness8B5中文字网

四. an official report (usually sent in haste)8B5中文字网

Synonym: despatchcommunique8B5中文字网



一. kill without delay8B5中文字网

e.g. the traitor was dispatched by the conspirators8B5中文字网

二. send away towards a designated goal8B5中文字网

Synonym: despatchsend off8B5中文字网

三. dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently8B5中文字网

e.g. He dispatched the task he was assigned8B5中文字网

四. kill intentionally and with premeditation8B5中文字网

e.g. The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered8B5中文字网

Synonym: murderslayhitbump offoffpolish offremove8B5中文字网

五. complete or carry out8B5中文字网

e.g. discharge one's duties8B5中文字网

Synonym: dischargecomplete8B5中文字网

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 despatch

一. 派遣;调遣
If you dispatch someone to a place, you send them there for a particular reason.8B5中文字网

e.g. He dispatched scouts ahead...
e.g. The Italian government was preparing to dispatch 四,零零零 soldiers to search the island.
意大利政府正准备派遣 四,零零零 名士兵搜索该岛。8B5中文字网

二. 发送,发出(信息、信件或包裹)
If you dispatch a message, letter, or parcel, you send it to a particular person or destination.8B5中文字网


e.g. The victory inspired him to dispatch a gleeful telegram to Roosevelt...
e.g. Free gifts are dispatched separately so please allow 二八 days for delivery.

三. (身在另一城市或国家的记者发送的)电讯,新闻报道
A dispatch is a special report that is sent to a newspaper or broadcasting organization by a journalist who is in a different town or country.8B5中文字网

e.g. ...this despatch from our West Africa correspondent.

四. (军官或政府官员发送给总部的)急件,快信
A dispatch is a message or report that is sent, for example, by army officers or government officials to their headquarters.8B5中文字网

e.g. I was carrying dispatches from the ambassador.

五. 处决;杀死
To dispatch a person or an animal means to kill them.8B5中文字网

e.g. The fox takes his chance with a pack of hounds which may catch him and despatch him immediately.

六. 迅速处理;迅速办妥
To dispatch a job or task means to finish it quickly and efficiently without wasting time.8B5中文字网

e.g. Amy sat outside in the sun while Gerald despatched his business.

七. 迅速;急速
If you do something with dispatch, you do it very quickly.8B5中文字网


e.g. He feels we should act with despatch.

一. dispatch的解释8B5中文字网

一. 分派:事件处理器事先在关注的事件源上注册,后者不定期地发表事件对象,通过事件管理器的转化(translate)、合并(coalesce)、排队(enqueue)、分派(dispatch)等集中处理后,事件处理器接收到事件并对其进行相应处理.8B5中文字网

  • 常用短语8B5中文字网

  • 常用例句8B5中文字网

  • 词汇搭配8B5中文字网

  • 经典引文8B5中文字网

    将…派往,发送往(某地) send (sb/sth) to (a place)
    dispatch sb/sth to sb/sth

    His father dispatched him to the shop to buy beer.8B5中文字网


    The firm dispatched the goods to London.8B5中文字网


    They dispatched a telegram to the old man's son.8B5中文字网


    Warships have been dispatched to the area .8B5中文字网


  • We soon dispatched the chocolate cake.
  • The chairman dispatched the meeting.
  • A messenger was dispatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front.
用作动词 (v.)
  • dispatch letters〔invitations〕发送信件〔请帖〕
  • dispatch lunch匆匆吃完午饭
  • dispatch a cruiser to the island派巡洋舰去该岛
  • dispatch troops to the front派部队去前线
用作名词 (n.)
  • carry a dispatch携带急件
  • file a dispatch用电话发新闻稿
  • receive〔send〕 a dispatch接收〔发送〕新闻报道
  • require the dispatch要求派遣
  • diplomatic dispatches外交急件
  • news dispatch新闻电讯
  • the dispatch of the goods发运货物
  • Three members of the Committee sit daily for the dispatch of common business.8B5中文字网

    出自:H. Martineau
  • Sonia's voice was as cool..as the quick despatch with which she wound the bandage round the little boy's arm.8B5中文字网

    出自:A. Wilson
  • Embassadors were dispatch'd to Bergamo.8B5中文字网

    出自:R. Davenport
  • I despatched a message to the new Prime Minister.8B5中文字网

    出自:H. Macmillan
  • The maintenance supervisor would dispatch a crew to repair the damage.8B5中文字网

    出自:A. Toffler
  • 词语用法8B5中文字网

  • 词义讲解8B5中文字网

  • 词源解说8B5中文字网

  • dispatch在英式英语中还可写作despatch。
dispatch, deliver, mail, send, ship
  • 这五个词都有“送”的意思。它们之间的区别在于:
  • 一.mail指将信件、包裹等物寄出去,强调将某物品寄送出去这一行为。
  • 二.deliver指送货。例如:
  • The goods will be delivered at noon tomorrow.明天中午交货。
  • The farmers guarantee the quantity and quality of the vegetables that are delivered.农民们保证交售蔬菜的质量和数量。
  • 三.dispatch可指上级向下级派遣人员〔部队、舰队〕等,强调紧急发出。例如:
  • A messenger was dispatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front.一名通讯员被派去给前线士兵送消息。
  • The allies agreed to dispatch reinforcements.同盟国同意派遣增援部队。
  • 四.send不涉及客体的内容或方法。例如:
  • Let's all go to the airport to send him off.我们都到机场给他送行。
  • If any letters come after you've left,I'll send them on.如果你离开后,有信来了,我会转寄去的。
  • Have you sent round the notice about the Christmas party yet?关于圣诞节晚会的通告,你是否已送出传阅?
  • 五.ship是指以水运、陆运、空运等方式运送货物,现常用于商业。例如:
  • Some fruit doesn't ship well.有些水果不便运送。
  • The goods were shipped last week.货物已于上周装船运走。
    • ☆ 直接源自意大利语的dispaceiare,意为派遣,发送。
    • 近义词8B5中文字网

    • 临近词8B5中文字网

    • transmit
    • post
    • send
    • dispatch fee
    • disparity
    • dispatchers
    • dispatcher
    • dispatchbox
    • dispatch box
    • dispatch sum
    • dispatch to
    • dispatchment
    • dispatching
    • dispatchcase
    • dispatched
    As long as he describes the buildings around, the dispatcher can dispatch emergency medical workers to him.(只要他描述一下周围的建筑,调度员就能给他派遣紧急医疗人员。)
    We have 一二五 cases ready for dispatch.(我们有一二五个待发的箱子。)
    I collect it all in my warehouse and then dispatch it to my other warehouse in Italy.(我在我的仓库里收集所有的东西,然后把它们送到我在意大利的另一个仓库。)
    Please dispatch the TV sets we ordered by sea.(请海运我们订购的电视机。)
    Using a selector for simple dispatch.(将选择器用于简单的分派。)
    More food supplies are ready for immediate dispatch.(更多的食品供给已备妥即刻发运。)
    They'll immediately dispatch a crew to dispose of it.(他们将立即派遣工作人员前往清理。)
    One SPI of particular interest is the dispatch confirmer.(一个特别重要的SPI是分派确认程序。)
    I also had the first BlackBerry because I was still working in dispatch at the time.(我也有了第一部黑莓手机,因为那时我还在忙调度的事情。)
    The Post Office will dispatch the letters by the next post.(邮局将在下一次邮班把这些信件发送出去。)