Don't relight fireworks. If they fail to work the first time around, discard them.(也千万不要第二次去点它,如果第一次没用,那就把它们扔了。)
Discard fear of failure.(别害怕失败。)
So it's not that we want to discard expertise - that would be reckless and dangerous.(所以,我们不是想要放弃专业知识-那样太轻率,也很危险。)
For those works, we might discard the dross and select the essence as well.(对于这样的作品,我们不妨取其精华,去其糟粕。)
Take the information that you can use and discard the rest.(只吸取对你有用的部分,抛弃其余的信息。)
Don't laugh or discard this idea before trying it.(先别急着笑,或者对这个点子不屑一顾,不试试怎么知道?)
At the same time, workers were required to discard old habits, for industrialism demanded a worker who was alert, dependable, and self-disciplined.(与此同时,工厂还要求工人们摒弃原来的习惯,因为工业制度需要机敏、可靠和自律的工人。)
Einstein had the chutzpah to discard long-established theory.(爱因斯坦拥有抛弃早已既定的理论之胆识。)
A real man of genius will discard all this nonsense, because this is bribery.(一个真正有天赋的人,他会舍弃所有的这些无意义,因为这些都是行贿。)
Remove the orange zest, and discard.(把橙皮取出,扔掉。)