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  • 扭曲的,歪曲的
  • 曲解,歪曲
  • 扭曲, 扭歪,弄歪,使变形,使扭歪
  • 【电】使失真,使(电视等的声音、影象)变形
  • 使不正常
  • 变样,走样,变形,变相,面目全非
  • 误传,误述
  • 失真,畸变
  • vt. 歪曲,曲解 give a false or dishonest account of; twist out of the true meaning
  • vt. 扭曲,使变形 twist out of a natural, usual, or original shape or condition


一. alter the shape of (something) by stressrN9中文字网

e.g. His body was deformed by leprosyrN9中文字网

Synonym: deformstrainrN9中文字网

二. make false by mutilation or addition
as of a message or storyrN9中文字网

Synonym: falsifygarblewarprN9中文字网

三. affect as in thought or feelingrN9中文字网

e.g. My personal feelings color my judgment in this case
The sadness tinged his liferN9中文字网

Synonym: tingecolorcolourrN9中文字网

四. form into a spiral shaperN9中文字网

e.g. The cord is all twistedrN9中文字网

Synonym: twisttwinerN9中文字网

五. twist and press out of shaperN9中文字网

Synonym: contortdeformwringrN9中文字网

一. 歪曲;扭曲;曲解
If you distort a statement, fact, or idea, you report or represent it in an untrue way.rN9中文字网

e.g. The media distorts reality; categorises people as all good or all bad...
e.g. The minister has said his remarks at the weekend have been distorted.

These figures give a distorted view of the significance for the local economy.

二. (使)变形;(使)失真
If something you can see or hear is distorted or distorts, its appearance or sound is changed so that it seems unclear.rN9中文字网

e.g. A painter may exaggerate or distort shapes and forms...
e.g. His size was persistently distorted by the cartoonists...

Sound was becoming more and more distorted through the use of hearing aids.

一. distort什么意思rN9中文字网

一. 变形:它能够实现许多神奇的功能-模糊(blur), 变形(distort), 清晰处理(sharpen)以及其它许多很酷的功能. 滤镜是Photoshop插件,你可以单另购买许多别人制作的有趣的滤镜.rN9中文字网

二. 变形,扭曲:调整指令均匀分配(Equalize)调整指令高反差(Threshold)调整指令色调分离(Posterize)调整指令综观变量(Variation)调整指令色彩范围(Color Range)指令合并(Merge)图层缩放(Scale)变形旋转(Rotate)变形扭曲(Distort)变形透视(PersrN9中文字网

  • 常用例句rN9中文字网

  • 经典引文rN9中文字网

  • He distorted the fact.
  • The book presents a fundamentally distorted picture.
  • Stop distorting what I've said.
  • His face was distorted by rage.
  • Her face was ugly, and her mouth distort.rN9中文字网

  • To establish a pre-conceived theory..the historian sometimes distorted facts.rN9中文字网

    出自:I. D
  • Passion distorts judgment.rN9中文字网

    出自:H. Spencer
  • His mother had deliberately distorted his age.rN9中文字网

    出自:G. Greene
  • 词源解说rN9中文字网

  • ☆ 直接源自拉丁语的distortus,意为扭曲。
  • 近义词rN9中文字网

  • 临近词rN9中文字网

  • misrepresent
  • distortor
  • distorted rate
  • distinguish
  • distorter
  • distortion
  • distorted
  • distorted view
  • distorton
  • distortedness
  • distortive
  • distortedly
  • distortation
That's why wide camera lenses tend to distort images and emphasize perspective.(这就是为什么广角镜头的摄像机容易让图像变形,并容易加强透视的原因。)
These media distort sound.(这些媒介可以扭曲声音。)
But exemptions from VAT distort choices by, in effect, subsidising some consumers over others.(但实际上,免除增值税的措施相当于为部分消费者提供补贴,扭曲了公众的选择。)
Therefore, psychology can distort markets.(因此,心理因素是可以扭曲市场的。)
It may distort the natural flow of commerce, services and transport.(它可能会阻碍地区间的商业、服务和交通的自然流通。)
Strong flashes do more than just dazzle one's friends—they distort the quality of the picture.(强闪光不仅仅是闪得被拍的朋友眼花缭乱——强闪光也会使照片失真变形。)
Although people with the syndrome have intelligible speech, their manner of speaking is altered in terms of timing and tongue placement, which may distort their pronunciation.(尽管患有该综合征的人说话清晰易懂,但他们说话的方式会在时间和舌头的位置上发生改变,这可能会扭曲他们的发音。)
We, of course, need to pay attention to youngsters who are filled with discontent and hostility, but we should not allow these extreme cases to distort our view of most young people.(当然,我们需要关注那些充满不满和敌意的年轻人,但我们不应该让这些极端的例子扭曲我们对大多数年轻人的看法。)
But will the games regenerate Rio, or distort its priorities?(然而,奥运会使里约恢复生机,或者扭曲了原本的优先计划?)
The loudspeaker seemed to distort his voice.(他的声音从喇叭里传出来似乎失真了。)