一. stingless male bee in a colony of social bees (especially honeybees) whose sole function is to mate with the queen
二. a pipe of the bagpipe that is tuned to produce a single continuous tone
Synonym: drone pipebourdon
三. an aircraft without a pilot that is operated by remote control
Synonym: pilotless aircraftradio-controlled aircraft
四. an unchanging intonation
Synonym: monotonedroning
五. someone who takes more time than necessary
someone who lags behind
Synonym: dawdlerlaggardlaggertrailerpoke
一. talk in a monotonous voice
Synonym: drone on
二. make a monotonous low dull sound
e.g. The harmonium was droning on
一. 嗡嗡作响;嗡嗡叫
If something drones, it makes a low, continuous, dull noise.
e.g. Above him an invisible plane droned through the night sky.
e.g. ...a virtually non-stop droning noise in the background.
二. (人)絮絮叨叨地说,喋喋不休地说
If you say that someone drones, you mean that they keep talking about something in a boring way.
e.g. Chambers' voice droned, maddening as an insect around his head...
e.g. The droning murmur of the doctor's voice in the bedroom had ceased.
三. 游手好闲者;寄生虫
People who do not contribute anything to society or to an organization are sometimes described as drones .
e.g. A few are dim-witted drones, but most are talented, frustrated, wasted people.
四. 雄蜂
A drone is a male bee.
相关词组:drone on
一. drone的解释
一. 无人驾驶飞机:无人机可分为无人驾驶飞机(Drone)和遥控飞机(Remote Piloted Vehicle缩写为RPV)两类,其区别主要在于控制手段,即是否能遥控驾驶. 二次大战之后,美国着重于活塞式发动机推进的小型靶机,诺斯罗普公司的KD二R-五就是其中最成功的一种.
二. 雄峰:首先我们虫族的部队都是在孵化所孵化而来的优种战士,它们有: 雄峰(DRONE),直接孵化于孵化所(HATCHERY),司职工程建设;大君主(OVERLORD),直接孵化于孵化所,司职侦察,另外战斗部队数量的上限直接由它的 数量决定;线虫(ZERGLING),
The drone of German aeroplanes.
出自:P. H. GibbsThe power-house drone of the refrigerator.
出自:A. BurgessOn and on droned the voices.
出自:Day LewisA mosquito droned to the attack.
出自:G. Greene近义词