
  • 英英释义U3A中文字网

  • 词典解释U3A中文字网

  • 网络解释U3A中文字网


一. elegant and sumptuousU3A中文字网

e.g. a deluxe car
luxe accommodationsU3A中文字网

Synonym: de luxeluxeU3A中文字网

二. rich and superior in qualityU3A中文字网

e.g. a princely sum
gilded dining roomsU3A中文字网

Synonym: gildedgrandluxuriousopulentprincelysumptuousU3A中文字网

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 de luxe

一. 高级的;豪华的;奢华的
Deluxe goods or services are better in quality and more expensive than ordinary ones.U3A中文字网


e.g. ...a rare, highly prized deluxe wine.
e.g. ...exclusive fashion de luxe for the businesswoman.

一. 豪华:HPL 的装载过程有两个可用模式:豪华(deluxe)和快速(express). express 模式能够获得最佳的速度,但它的灵活性不如 deluxe 模式. 在卸载过程中不使用过滤器组件,而是使用查询(query)组件. 这个组件在 SELECT 语句中描述,U3A中文字网

二. 豪华型:DL豪华型(Deluxe)UC紧凑型(Ultra Compact)该系列镜头较其它品牌同规格镜头,功能更多、镜身更轻便 . 日本腾龙有限公司生产闻名的腾龙(Tamron)牌镜头,腾龙镜头耐久性好,成像的分辨率高,畸变稍微,色彩还原优良,近摄比率大,稍有些渐晕.U3A中文字网

三. 豪华的:suite (一套)房间 | deluxe 豪华的 | presidential 总统的,总统职务的U3A中文字网

  • 情景对话U3A中文字网


A:Hello, my name is Jane and I am calling to confirm my reservation.


B:Yes, Miss Jane, we have you down for a deluxe room tonight.


A:Great and please make sure the room has a nice view of the park.

B:Yes, Miss. I will.

A:Thanks a lot!

B:Not at all.

  • 近义词U3A中文字网

  • 临近词U3A中文字网

  • sumptuous华丽的
  • expensive昂贵的
  • opulent富裕的
  • luxe豪华的
  • luxurious奢侈的
  • de luxe豪华的
  • gilded镀金的
  • luxury奢侈品
  • plush豪华的
  • select选择
  • grand重大的
  • princely王子的
  • exclusive排外的
  • deluxe into
  • deluxe fabric
  • deluxe seat
  • deluxe edition
  • deluxe in
  • deluxe liner
  • deluxe train
  • delve
  • deluxe hotel
  • deluxe suite
  • delusion
  • deluxe minibus
B: I prefer the deluxe room, thank you.(乙:我想要间豪华房,麻烦你。)
Of course, the fire cover was restored for the deluxe CD reissue of the album in 二零零八.(当然,这张火灾封面被保留了下来,作为二零零八年该张专辑再版的豪华版本封面。)
We have been a manufacturer of deluxe toiletries for many years.(多年来,我们一直致力于高级化妆品的生产。)
We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and deluxe suites.(我们有单人房、双人房、套间和豪华套间。)
If you're infected with Personal Deluxe Protector, you should know what you're fighting.(如果你感染了个人豪华保护者,你应该知道你在战斗。)
We will put you in a deluxe room at no extra charge.(我们会给您一套豪华套房,不额外收费。)
The deluxe suite also comes with a very nice bar.(豪华套房另外还有一个非常别致的小酒吧。)
Does the customer really know the difference between your standard room and your deluxe room?(客户是否真的了解你的标准间和豪华间的区别所在?)
And returns based on the deluxe model had a positive skew: large windfalls were more likely than big losses.(基于复杂模型的回报毋容置疑是被扭曲了:巨大的额外收入多于巨大损失。)
Deluxe editions of this biography are available now.(这本传记的精装本现在有售。)