
  • 英英释义5XX中文字网

  • 词典解释5XX中文字网

  • 网络解释5XX中文字网


一. cover with liquid
pour liquid onto5XX中文字网

e.g. souse water on his hot face5XX中文字网

Synonym: dousedowsesoaksopsouse5XX中文字网

二. permeate or impregnate5XX中文字网

e.g. The war drenched the country in blood5XX中文字网

Synonym: imbrue5XX中文字网

三. force to drink5XX中文字网

四. drench or submerge or be drenched or submerged5XX中文字网

e.g. The tsunami swamped every boat in the harbor5XX中文字网

Synonym: swamp5XX中文字网

一. 使湿透;使浸湿
To drench something or someone means to make them completely wet.5XX中文字网

e.g. They turned fire hoses on the people and drenched them...
e.g. They were getting drenched by icy water...

...the rain-drenched streets of the capital.

一. 浸泡,使湿透:一三. instill (慢慢地)滴注,灌输 | 一四. drench 浸泡,使湿透 | 一五. posterity 子孙后代5XX中文字网

二. 5XX中文字网

二. 湿透:mens rea 犯罪的故意 | drench 湿透 | speculation 猜测5XX中文字网

三. 雨淋:dreg 残渣;少量的残剩物 | drench 雨淋 | drencher 大雨5XX中文字网

四. 使湿透:dreary 厌倦的 | drench 使湿透 | dress 打扮5XX中文字网

  • 经典引文5XX中文字网

  • The horse, restive under the drench of the rain, moved uneasily.5XX中文字网

    出自:F. Norris
  • Sun's incessant drench.5XX中文字网

  • Sweat drenched my clothes before I had hardly gotten started.5XX中文字网

    出自:A. Davis
  • I fell in that bloody stream and I'm drenched.5XX中文字网

    出自:A. T. Ellis
  • 近义词5XX中文字网

  • 反义词5XX中文字网

  • 临近词5XX中文字网

  • saturate使浸透
  • bathe沐浴
  • wet湿的
  • imbrue使浸湿
  • steep险峻的
  • infuse注入
  • inundate浸水
  • dowse浸湿
  • douse浸入
  • swamp沼泽
  • soak使浸透
  • SOP贿赂
  • flood淹没
  • souse浸在水中
  • water水
  • dry干的
  • drenched
  • drenching tube
  • dregs
  • drencher head
  • drenching
  • drench pit
  • drencher
  • Drenchev
  • drenching bite
  • drench in blood
  • drench a horse
  • Dresden
I can but rush to the surf and let it drench me and freeze upon me.(我只能跳到澎湃的浪里,让它浸濡我并且使我寒栗。)
Discover whole body drench, Xu Mei Lan still thinks to perspire of cause, just touch sticky mucopeptide of, is a haematoporphyrin.(发觉全身湿透,许梅兰还以为出汗的缘故,用手一摸黏黏的,原来是血。)
A heavy shower drench the camp ers.(一阵骤雨把露营者都淋湿了。)
Is it among all rain, drench I that drop is true rain to believe!(相信在所有的雨中,淋湿我的那一滴才是真的雨!)
Not having to drench homes, offices and ships in water is one of the advantages that Cademartiri touted when announcing his discovery.(不用水淋洒房屋、办公室和船舶是卡德马蒂里在宣布他的发现时所吹捧的一个优点。)
He cannot be in bed, I thought: those showers would drench him through.(我想,他不在床上:这场大雨要把他淋透了。)
Drench daily with positive thinking, and keep saturated just right.(天天用积极的想法来灌溉,保持刚好饱和的状态。)
To hold my hand drench the rain, hold hands with your footsteps.(牵我的手淋著小雨、牵你的手跟你脚步。)
During the rainy season, sometimes the storms drench the area nonstop for days; sometimes the storms come and go.(雨季时,有时候暴风雨会持续几天降临这地区,有时候就是来来往往。)
I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.(我因唉哼而困乏。我每夜流泪,把床榻漂起,把褥子湿透。)