The tax authority allows a maximum of 二零% yearly depreciation on this type of machine.(税务机关允许此类机器年折旧率最大为二零%。)
There has been little or no real appreciation of the RMB and there may actually have been some depreciation.(人民币升值很小,或者说实质上没有升值,可能还有一些贬值。)
Second, the big depreciation in sterling will help by supporting exports and constraining imports.(第二,英镑大幅贬值将有助于支持出口抑制进口;)
But that depreciation was essentially over by spring 二零零九, so its effect has been fading.(但是,到二零零九年英镑贬值已经基本结束,因此,英镑贬值带来的效应也已经逐渐消失。)
The government has been offering tax credits, accelerated depreciation, and other economic hanky-panky.(政府一直在搞税款抵免,快速折旧及其它经济花招。)
Other fixed assets for which no depreciation may be calculated for deduction.(其他不得计算折旧扣除的固定资产。)
The rouble's depreciation does cut Russia’s current-account deficit, by making imports pricier.(卢布的贬值通过提高进口产品的价格减小了俄罗斯的经常账户赤字。)
Richard Berner, of Morgan Stanley, suggests that the pace of depreciation matters.(摩根·斯坦利的理查德。伯尔尼认为应该考虑贬值的步伐。)
Depreciation is the annual cost of writing down the value of your property plant and equipment.(折旧是指每年你的不动产及机器设备的减值。)
A typical example concerns depreciation or capital cost allowances (CCA).(一个典型的例子是折旧或资本成本减值准备(capitalcostallowances,CCA)。)