And that is the same as the aviation industry's contribution.(这与航空工业在这一方面的“贡献”是相同的。)
India is waking up to aviation after a long sleep.(印度在沉睡多年后,终于在航空业方面觉醒。)
India's aviation industry is taking off again.(印度的航空业再次起飞。)
FAA determined that including pilots who fly cargo planes—a large segment of the aviation industry—would add too much to the cost of implementing the changes.(联邦航空局认为,将货机飞行员也包括在内,将会增加实施这些变革的成本。货机是航空业的一大组成部分。)
The airline's biggest headache is the increase in the price of aviation fuel.(令航空公司最头疼的问题是航空燃料价格的上涨。)
And yet aviation in China has barely taken off.(然而,中国的航空工业刚刚起飞。)
Here are some live links to other aviation-related web pages.(这是另外一些与航空有关网页的有效链接。)
The Airlander will need to have 二零零 hours' flying time before being allowed to fly by the aviation administration.(“空中登陆者”需要达到二零零小时的飞行时间,才能被航空管理局批准正式投入使用。)
As a defendant, his counterpart was the Aviation Council.(作为被告,他对应的人是航空理事会。)
Weren't they both speaking in English, the official international aviation language?(他们不是都说英语吗?英语是国际航空的官方语言。)