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  • 经济学
  • 经济情况
  • 经济
  • 经济因素
  • 经济意义
  • 经济效果
  • 经济状况
  • [U]经济学 the scientific study of the way in which wealth is produced and used
  • [P]经济状况,经济意义 the way in which sth, such as a plan or course of action, is influenced by very carefully



一. the branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their managementxwA中文字网

Synonym: economic sciencepolitical economyxwA中文字网

一. 经济学
Economics is the study of the way in which money, industry, and trade are organized in a society.xwA中文字网


e.g. He gained a first class Honours degree in economics.

二. 经济体制
The economics of a society or industry is the system of organizing money and trade in it.xwA中文字网

e.g. He is regarded as a committed supporter of a radical free-market economics policy.
e.g. ...the economics of the third world.

一. 经济:二,金融及其衍生专业,就是指课程的设置并不是单纯的金融方向的,而是与投资(investment),经济(economics),银行业(banking)等方向结合起来的课程,因为其课程的多样性,新颖性,越来越受国际学生的青睐,对专业的划分非常具体,xwA中文字网

二. xwA中文字网

二. 经济系:另外,兽医学系(veterinary science)申请人数上升二五%,医学系(medicine)上升一六%,工程学系(engineering)上升一六%,经济系(economics)上升一五%. 申请读神学(theology)的人数则减少了一八.五%. 剑桥大学招生负责人杰夫.帕克斯(Geoff Parks)对申请人数增加表示欢迎,xwA中文字网

三. 经济学专业:经济学专业(Economics)历来是中国学生所青睐的热门专业,权威机构TIMES现已评出二零零九年英国大学经济学专业(Economics)排名,以下是具体排名情况:推荐阅读:二零零九英国大学综合排名二零零九英国大学各个专业排名经济学专业(Economics)各大学排名(数据来源:TIMES)一剑桥...xwA中文字网

  • 常用例句xwA中文字网

  • 经典引文xwA中文字网

  • This is most strikingly evident in the field of economics.
  • Economics is my favorite subject.
  • The economics of the scheme need to be looked at very carefully.
  • The family economics getting yearly more propitious.xwA中文字网

  • 词语用法xwA中文字网

  • economics作“经济学”解作主语时,其谓语动词用单数。
  • 近义词xwA中文字网

  • 临近词xwA中文字网

  • political economy政治经济学
  • economic science经济科学
  • science科学
  • Economics model
  • economics of law
  • economics course
  • Economics law
  • economics view
  • economics major
  • economics paper
  • economicsmism
  • economics report
  • economical
  • economist
  • economics growth
It is a question of the relation of ethics to economics.(这是个道德和经济之间关系的问题。)
No, in fact I got an A on my first economics paper.(不,事实上我的第一篇经济学论文得了A。)
This will transform the economics of the industry.(这将改变这个行业的经济情况。)
I've got a master's in economics.(我已经获得了经济学硕士学位。)
A nimble mind backed by a degree in economics gave him a firm grasp of financial matters.(一个机智头脑加上一个经济学学位使他对金融问题能准确把握。)
The diagram implanted a dangerous prejudice firmly in the minds of countless economics students.(该图表在无数经济学学生的头脑中牢牢地灌输了一种危险的偏见。)
Listen to part of a lecture in an economics class.(请听经济学课上的部分讲座内容。)
But I'll leave the economics to the experts.(但我将把经济学的部分留给专家们。)
Economics is an inexact science.(经济学是一门不精确的科学。)
Economics undergraduates are probably the brightest in the university.(经济学本科生很可能是该大学里最聪明的学生。)