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一. someone who selects according to the eclectic methodD5R中文字网

Synonym: eclecticistD5R中文字网


一. selecting what seems best of various styles or ideasD5R中文字网

一. 兼收并蓄的;五花八门的;不拘一格的
An eclectic collection of objects, ideas, or beliefs is wide-ranging and comes from many different sources.D5R中文字网


e.g. ...an eclectic collection of paintings, drawings, and prints.

一. 折衷:[五一一]这里,把Eglinton改为Eclecticon,以表示约翰.埃格林顿的观点是把当时流行的观点加以折衷(eclectic)汇集而成. [五一二]爱德华.多顿(见本章注[三四五])在<>一书(第一二六页)中写道:莎士比亚把哈姆莱特塑造得很神秘,D5R中文字网

二. 折中调和[陈:ease of processing 循索的便利[呂二四四] | eclectic 折中調和[陳七零] | economy principle 簡練原則[廖三七零]D5R中文字网

  • 经典引文D5R中文字网

  • With..an eclectic turn of mind, Mr. Vavasour saw something good in everybody.D5R中文字网

  • The eclectic miscellany of easy speculations and solutions to which his more sensitive contemporaries succumbed.D5R中文字网

    出自:A. Tate
  • 近义词D5R中文字网

  • 临近词D5R中文字网

  • wide-ranging广泛的
  • eclecticist折衷主义者
  • extensive广泛的
  • heterogeneous异种的
  • Catholic天主教的
  • diverse不同的
  • varied各种各样的
  • eclectic score
  • eclecticist
  • ECL
  • eclectics
  • eclectic school
  • eclectic tastes
  • eclectically
  • eclecticism
  • eclectic theory
  • eclipse
  • eclectic action
  • eclectic method
Up close, you can see that it's a steel sculpture of an eclectic bunch of subjects.(靠近了观察,你会发现它其实是一座不拘一格的钢制雕塑。)
It is an eclectic mix of Japanese tea drinking and English country garden.(它是日本茶道和英国乡村花园折衷。)
I definitely go for an eclectic style in my flat; I prefer things to loosely hang together rather than match perfectly.(我的公寓是一种随意的风格,相比较完美的互相搭配,我更喜欢物品随意的聚集在一起。)
The story of the film comes out of these two weeks shared by this eclectic group.(这部纪录片就是这两周生活的记录。)
It grew rapidly from its origins as a site focused on members' musical interests into a more eclectic network.(它从一个关注用户音乐嗜好的网站,飞速发展为一个包罗万象的网络。)
It's a very eclectic mix of personnel, revolving around a very reluctant monster superstar.(围绕一个算得上怪物的巨星,他们很好的融入到了战术体系中。)
The COO of the eclectic, Paris-based LaboGroup, Tom Hadfield, was at the conference to show off Andrea, a $二零零 plant-based air purifier.(总部设在巴黎的LaboGroup折中派首席运营官汤姆·哈德菲尔德在会上展示了安德里亚这个价值二零零美元的植物空气过滤器。)
Christopher Pearse Cranch, considered by some to be the most eclectic in his interests, was interested in art, music, and theatre.(一些人认为克里斯托弗·皮尔斯·克朗次是兴趣最为兼容并收的人,他喜爱艺术、音乐和戏剧。)
Unlike some of the build-labs on campus, the OSS lab contains an eclectic variety of hardware.(和校园里的开发实验室不同,微软oss实验室兼收并蓄了各种各样的硬件。)
If you’re a rock and pop fan, it gives you a stream of songs that is eclectic, unpredictable and serendipitous.(如果你是个摇滚爱好者,它能给你一股让你激动、常常意料之外又偶有所得的音乐。)