
  • 详情解释lqA中文字网

  • 英英释义lqA中文字网

  • 词典解释lqA中文字网

  • 网络解释lqA中文字网

  • 【化】醚,乙醚
  • 苍天,苍穹
  • 【物】以太
  • 气氛
  • 能媒
  • 【文】太空
  • 上空
  • 【哲】灵气
  • 大气



一. a colorless volatile highly inflammable liquid formerly used as an inhalation anestheticlqA中文字网

Synonym: ethoxyethanedivinyl ethervinyl etherdiethyl etherethyl etherlqA中文字网

二. a medium that was once supposed to fill all space and to support the propagation of electromagnetic waveslqA中文字网

Synonym: aetherlqA中文字网

三. any of a class of organic compounds that have two hydrocarbon groups linked by an oxygen atomlqA中文字网

四. the fifth and highest element after air and earth and fire and water
was believed to be the substance composing all heavenly bodieslqA中文字网

Synonym: quintessencelqA中文字网

一. 醚;乙醚
Ether is a colourless liquid that burns easily. It is used in industry and in medicine as an anaesthetic.lqA中文字网


e.g. ...a sweetish smell of ether and iodine.

二. 以太,能媒(尤指声音传播的介质)
The air is sometimes referred to as the ether, usually when talking about sounds being communicated or broadcast through it.lqA中文字网


e.g. ...vocals floating through the ether.

一. ether的意思lqA中文字网

一. 醚:大的比热可容纳多量的热能,是冷却、传热、储热的优良物质;同时挥发性小,反较一些高分子量的物质如乙醇(Alcohol)、醚(Ether)挥发性低. 水若有正常的挥发性,在室温时便为气体. 如此,则不会下雨,也无湖泊河流,人体的水液也会挥发逸散了,lqA中文字网

二. ether的近义词lqA中文字网

二. 乙太:「不知道你晓不晓得,在近代西洋魔法中,火、风、水、土、乙太(Ether)这五大元素各有一种象徵性的武器. 火是『杖』,风是『短剑』,水是『杯』,土是『圆盘』. 这就是所谓的属性武器. 」雅妮丝戏嘻地笑了. 「而我手上lqA中文字网

  • 经典引文lqA中文字网

  • Her voice floated..through the silvery atoms of air and the mysterious ether to the great moon.lqA中文字网

    出自:A. Uttley
  • 近义词lqA中文字网

  • 临近词lqA中文字网

  • heavens天空
  • air空气
  • sky天空
  • divinyl ether乙烯醚
  • ethoxyethane[化] 乙醚
  • ethyl ether乙醚
  • quintessence精华
  • aether醚
  • diethyl ether乙醚
  • atmosphere大气
  • vinyl ether乙烯醚
  • ethers
  • etherize
  • etheric
  • ethanol
  • etherin
  • Etheryl
  • ether A
  • Etherge
  • etheron
  • ethereal
  • etherone
  • etheride
Her words disappeared into the ether.(她的话消失在九霄云外。)
It is the ether that surrounds software development.(它不仅存在于软件开发领域。)
Do not the spirits who dwell in the ether envy man his pain?(难道在以太里居住的精灵,不妒羡世人的痛苦吗?)
The air drying property of unsaturated polyester resin prepared from dipropylene glycol monoallyl ether was studied.(研究了由二丙二醇单烯丙基醚制得的不饱和聚酯树脂的风干性能。)
However, once you close the application, any changes disappear into the ether.(然而,一旦关闭应用程序,所做的任何修改都会随之消失。)
Some of your scientists see energy, matter, ether.(有些科学家看见的是能量、物质、以太。)
First of all, Ethernet stations check to see if the ether is idle (carrier sense) and wait if they sense a signal.(首先是“载波感测”。以太网站先检查“以太”是否空载,如果检测到信号了就排队等候自己的发送机会。)
It is a constitutional isomer of dimethyl ether.(这是二甲醚的结构异构体。)
IP networks: Examples are Ethernet, Ether channel, etc.(IP网络:例如以太网、Etherchannel等。)
But today, in our increasingly virtualized world, physical devices and services disappear into the ether.(但是今天,在我们不断虚拟化的世界中,物理设备和服务已经消失不见。)