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  • 眉毛
  • 【建】窗头线饰
  • 【船】舷窗眉板
  • 【纺】回丝
  • 【建】滴水
  • 窗眉
  • 【纺】飞花
  • 睑突蜱螨
  • 眉毛板
  • [C]眉毛 the line of hairs above each of the two human eyes


一. the arch of hair above each eyeWbZ中文字网

Synonym: browsuperciliumWbZ中文字网

一. 眉;眉毛
Your eyebrows are the lines of hair which grow above your eyes.WbZ中文字网


二. 竖起眉毛(表示吃惊或反对)
If something causes you to raise an eyebrow or to raise your eyebrows, it causes you to feel surprised or disapproving.WbZ中文字网

e.g. An intriguing item on the news pages caused me to raise an eyebrow over my morning coffee...
e.g. He raised his eyebrows over some of the suggestions...

一. 眉:eyebase 眼底 | eyebrow 眉 | eyebulb 眼球WbZ中文字网

二. 眼眉毛:eyelashes 眼睫毛 | eyebrow 眼眉毛 | ear 耳朵WbZ中文字网

三. WbZ中文字网

三. 眼眉:眼eye | 眼眉eyebrow | 眼睫毛eyelashWbZ中文字网

  • 常用例句WbZ中文字网

  • 词汇搭配WbZ中文字网

  • Her eyebrow is well penciled.
用作名词 (n.)
  • pluck one's eyebrows修眉毛
  • heavy〔thick〕 eyebrows浓眉
  • 近义词WbZ中文字网

  • 临近词WbZ中文字网

  • supercilium眉纹
  • brow前额
  • eyebrowotosis
  • Eyebrow Rush
  • eyebrow head
  • eyeglass
  • eyebrow brush
  • eyebrow image
  • eyebrow knife
  • eyebrow type
  • eyebrow hair
  • eyebrows
  • eyeball
  • eyebrow pencil
Mouth is closed, one eyebrow slightly raised.(嘴巴闭上,一边的眉毛微微抬起。)
Her hair is white and shorn, and she has three silver rings in each eyebrow.(她的头发是白色的,箍在一起,眉毛旁边围绕着三个银饰。)
“What is that?” asked the midwife, arching her eyebrow.(“是什么?”老接生婆问,拱起眉毛。)
A smile, frown, raised eyebrow, yawn, and sneer all convey information.(微笑,蹙额,提眉,哈欠和冷笑都传递着信息。)
Eyebrows are usually arched higher than that of straight men, and eyebrow hair is manicured.(眉毛通常比直男弯曲得更高,而且眉毛通过修剪。)
A prolonged gaze or arched eyebrow gives clues to the person who comes across the bar that you're interested in .(一次长久的注视或挑起眉毛暗示你对酒吧里碰到的人很感兴趣。)
Up close you can reveal telling details, like a sprinkle of freckles or an arched eyebrow.(更接近时,您可以展示一些明显的细节,如雀斑或弓形眉毛。)
However, in the context of incubating eggs, all-over leopard and angel wings, it barely raises an eyebrow.(然而,在充斥着孵化中的鸡蛋,全身豹纹,以及天使翅膀的场合,这套衣服根本不会引起人们的注重。)
He'll serve you an eyebrow flash.(他会对你动一下眉毛。)
He cocked an inquisitive eyebrow at her.(他扬眉向她投以疑问的目光。)