一. a light slender flexible sword tipped by a button
二. a piece of thin and flexible sheet metal
e.g. the photographic film was wrapped in foil
三. picture consisting of a positive photograph or drawing on a transparent base
viewed with a projector
Synonym: transparency
四. a device consisting of a flat or curved piece (as a metal plate) so that its surface reacts to the water it is passing through
e.g. the fins of a fish act as hydrofoils
Synonym: hydrofoil
五. anything that serves by contrast to call attention to another thing's good qualities
e.g. pretty girls like plain friends as foils
Synonym: enhancer
一. cover or back with foil
e.g. foil mirrors
二. hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
e.g. What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge
foil your opponent
Synonym: thwartqueerspoilscotchcrossfrustratebafflebilk
三. enhance by contrast
e.g. In this picture, the figures are foiled against the background
一. (用来包裹食物的)箔(纸)
Foil consists of sheets of metal as thin as paper. It is used to wrap food in.
e.g. Pour cider around the meat and cover with foil.
e.g. ...aluminium foil.
二. 阻止;挫败
If you foil someone's plan or attempt to do something, for example to commit a crime, you succeed in stopping them from doing what they want.
e.g. A brave police chief foiled an armed robbery on a jewellers' by grabbing the raiders' shotgun...
e.g. The idea of building a roof terrace was also foiled by the planning authorities.
三. 陪衬物;烘托者
If you refer to one thing or person as a foil for another, you approve of the fact that they contrast with each other and go well together, often in a way that makes the second thing or person seem better or less harmful.
e.g. He thought of her serenity as a foil for his intemperance...
e.g. A cold beer is the perfect foil for a curry.
四. 花剑
A foil is a thin light sword used in fencing, which has a button on its tip to prevent injury.
一. 花剑:剑击主要分三类:花剑(foil),重剑(epee),佩剑(sabre)不论是哪一类剑种,都是极讲求判断、手脚配合和心理状态的. Fencing, 其实就像捉棋. 采取怎样的进攻模式,怎样利用假动作诱骗对手,怎样破解对手的攻势等等,都是剑击比赛中不可缺少的元素.
二. 箔:形状包括锭(Ingot), 板(Plate), 片(Sheet), 箔(Foil), 管(Tube), 线(Wire), 棒(Bar), 及压模成形(Molding)之粉体物件. 熔炼: 真空感应重熔炉(VIM), 真空电弧重熔炉(VAR), 电子束重熔炉(EBM)
三. 锡纸:香烟内有锡纸(Foil)及火柴盒(Matchbox). 在车顶的篮子(Basket)里找到苹果(Apple),以苹果将马引开. 拿起大门上律师用飞镖(Dart)钉的字条. 他说大门让人锁住了,看起来是有人利用我的庄园从事走私活动,他让我等在这里,他去报警.
四. foil
四. 箔材:参展产品包括T/C 金属提花织物、箔材(foil)、褶皱加工提花织物等. DUCK WOO CORPORATION将展出利用特别 原丝制作的柔软轻盈高感性高密度面料. SHINILIND.将展出polyester span、人造丝(rayon)、Acetate Span等女装织物.
五. foil
五. foil:file oriented interpretive language; 面向文件的解释语言
六. foil:file – oriented interpretive language; 面向文件的解释语言,Foil 语言
To take the foil off the roasting capon and put it higher in the gas-oven.
出自:K. AmisNever had the..Emperor So great a foil by any foreign foe.
出自:C. MarloweIt may give a man many a..foil and many a disheartening blow.
出自:R. SouthKing Richard..caused the ensignes of Leopold..to be puld downe, and foiled under foot.
出自:R. Knolles词义讲解