
  • 详情解释Mvl中文字网

  • 双解释义Mvl中文字网

  • 英英释义Mvl中文字网

  • 词典解释Mvl中文字网

  • 网络解释Mvl中文字网

  • 用公式表示,用公式表达
  • 系统地阐述,对...作简洁陈述,确切地阐述,有系统地表达
  • 规划,筹划,制定,创立
  • 使公式化,把...作成公式
  • 想出,作出,写成
  • 制定…的配方
  • 配制,按配方制造
  • vt. 构想出,规划 invent and prepare a plan, suggestion, etc.
  • vt. 系统地阐述 express an exact way



一. elaborate, as of theories and hypothesesMvl中文字网

e.g. Could you develop the ideas in your thesisMvl中文字网

Synonym: explicatedevelopMvl中文字网

二. put into words or an expressionMvl中文字网

e.g. He formulated his concerns to the board of trusteesMvl中文字网

Synonym: give voicewordphrasearticulateMvl中文字网

三. come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effortMvl中文字网

e.g. excogitate a way to measure the speed of lightMvl中文字网

Synonym: inventcontrivedeviseexcogitateforgeMvl中文字网

四. prepare according to a formulaMvl中文字网

一. 规划;策划;构想
If you formulate something such as a plan or proposal, you invent it, thinking about the details carefully.Mvl中文字网

e.g. Little by little, he formulated his plan for escape.

二. 明确表达;系统阐述
If you formulate a thought, opinion, or idea, you express it or describe it using particular words.Mvl中文字网

e.g. I was impressed by the way he could formulate his ideas.

一. 规划:文章说,中国正在希望国际开源社区的高级成员帮助它规划(formulate )促进开源软件发展的政策思路. 文章指出,中国开源软件推进联盟,一个有政府背景的产业集团,建立了开源智囊团. 该智囊团由一九名海外闻名的开源领导人组成,Mvl中文字网

二. 制定:formalization 形式/规范化 | formulate 制定 | Fortune <>杂志Mvl中文字网

三. 明确地表达:administer 实施;给与;服用(药管理 | formulate 明确地表达 | champion v. 拥护; n. 冠军Mvl中文字网

四. 公式化:formula of propositional logic 命题逻辑公式 | formulate 公式化 | formulation 用公式表示Mvl中文字网

  • 常用例句Mvl中文字网

  • 经典引文Mvl中文字网

  • He formulated a plan of attack.
  • He took care to formulate his reply very clearly.
  • The laws were formulated according to constitution.
  • Romantic intellectuals who had formulated the main tenets of a conservative ideology.Mvl中文字网

    出自:H. Arendt
  • 近义词Mvl中文字网

  • 临近词Mvl中文字网

  • define
  • work out
  • formulate strategy
  • formulate a scheme
  • formula
  • formulated oil
  • fornicate
  • formulated feed
  • Formulated diets
  • formulate method
  • formulate model
  • formulated diet
  • formulate rules
  • formulated medium
Much as scholars want to look for overall patterns and formulate useful generalizations, the transmission of each text is a different story and each manuscript's history is unique.(就像学者们想要寻找整体的模式和形成有用的概括一样,每一文本的传播都是一个不同的故事,每一份手稿的历史都是独一无二的。)
Critics love to generalize, to formulate trends into which all new work must be fitted, however contradictory.(评论家喜欢概括,归纳出所有新作品都必须符合的趋势,不管它们是如何地不符。)
When you begin to formulate a story, make a list of interesting people you know or have observed.(当你开始构思一个故事时,把你熟悉或观察过的有趣的人列出来。)
But it's always useful if you can also formulate things.(那就更有用了,但是如果你能对体系建立模型。)
The partners and countries need to work together to formulate an intensified response.(各伙伴和各国要共同致力于制定一项力度更大的行动计划。)
Now, how do we write and formulate a solution?(现在我们想要求解反应的过程?)
She could not formulate her ideas in a few words.(她无法用几句话阐明她的思想。)
It was important for a factory to formulate the production process.(对工厂来说,规划生产工序是很重要的。)
The externalizing of demons enables them to be conquered, but Aries is usually unable to formulate the problem.(外在的恶魔使他们能够被征服,但是白羊座通常不能形成这个问题。)
Do not try to formulate it nicely or otherwise edit your text.(不需要多么漂亮的语句表达,免得再编辑你的文本。)