
  • 详情解释kcx中文字网

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  • 物神
  • 迷信
  • 【心】迷恋(物)
  • 盲目崇拜的对象,奉若神明之物
  • 偶像
  • 物神崇拜的仪式
  • 盲目崇拜
  • 盲目崇拜者


一. excessive or irrational devotion to some activitykcx中文字网

e.g. made a fetish of cleanlinesskcx中文字网

Synonym: fetichkcx中文字网

二. a charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powerskcx中文字网

Synonym: jujuvoodoohoodoofetichkcx中文字网

三. a form of sexual desire in which gratification depends to an abnormal degree on some object or item of clothing or part of the bodykcx中文字网

e.g. common male fetishes are breasts, legs, hair, shoes, and underwearkcx中文字网

一. (能引起性快感的)恋物癖,恋物
If someone has a fetish, they have an unusually strong liking or need for a particular object or activity, as a way of getting sexual pleasure.kcx中文字网

e.g. ...rubber and leather fetishes.
e.g. ...fetish wear for sexual arousal.

二. 迷恋;痴迷
If you say that someone has a fetish for doing something, you disapprove of the fact that they do it very often or enjoy it very much.kcx中文字网


e.g. What began as a postwar fetish for sunbathing is rapidly developing into a world health crisis.

三. 奉作神明之物,物神(尤指雕刻物)
In some cultures, a fetish is an object, especially a carved object, which is considered to have religious importance or magical powers.kcx中文字网


一. 神物:如果你在人类中成长(Homid),灵知默认是一;如果是在Garou中成长(Metis),默认是三;如果在狼群中成长(Lupus),默认是五. 灵知可以用来启动神物(Fetish)或者才能(Gifts). 才能(Gifts)和仪式(Rifts)kcx中文字网

  • 经典引文kcx中文字网

  • The witch-doctor's horrible little manikin, a fetish with..a blind, silly face.kcx中文字网

    出自:H. Allen
  • The lucky mascot, the fetish which will preserve its owner from misfortune.kcx中文字网

    出自:G. Gorer
  • 近义词kcx中文字网

  • 临近词kcx中文字网

  • fetich神物
  • amulet护身符
  • totem图腾
  • voodoo伏都教(一种西非原始宗教...
  • passion激情
  • juju(某些西非部族所用的)物...
  • craze狂热
  • talisman避邪物
  • charm魅力
  • fixation固定
  • image印象
  • mania 狂热
  • obsession困扰
  • thing东西
  • idol偶像
  • engrossment用大字写;占去 ... ...
  • hoodoo不祥的人或物...
  • preoccupation占据思想
  • fetishistic
  • fetishism
  • fetish of money
  • fetishize
  • fetter
  • fetishism of money
  • fetishists
  • fetishism logistics
  • fetish bean oil
  • fetish capital
  • fetishist
  • fetid
Either that, or Scottish men have a fetish for smelly women.(或者,还有可能是苏格兰男人非常喜欢有臭味的女人。)
I have a shoe fetish.(“我有恋鞋癖,”对方这么回答。)
When Style is a fetish, sites confuse visitors, hurting users and the companies that paid for the sites.(癖恋风格的网站会令访客迷惑,令用户和为这网站付了钱的公司受害。如果设计师不是从“这个网站是做给谁用的?”)
She has a fetish about cleanliness.(她有洁癖。)
A fetish is a sacred object that embodies the spirit or power of a god.(原始崇拜物是一种神器,代表着神的灵魂或力量。)
Henry called the running a fetish, and she supposed he was right.(亨利曾管跑步叫做神物,她认为他说的对。)
The word fetish got into English in 一六一三 from French and Portuguese.(单词fetish是在一六一三年从法语和葡萄牙语进入英语的。)
He makes a fetish of his work.(他迷上了他的工作。)
Shana had a shoe fetish—like 三零, 三五 pair of Manolos.(Shana是一个恋鞋者--她想要三零-三五双Manolos的鞋子.)
The point is that making a master teacher into a sacred fetish misses the essence of his teaching.(其要旨让我们将大师个人神圣化了,以致遗失了大师教诲的本意。)