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  • 忽然露出,闪现,忽现
  • 闪烁,闪闪发光,熠熠发光,闪耀,发出微光
  • 使发微光,使闪烁
  • 隐约地显现,隐约可见
  • 映出,放射
  • 显得光洁明亮
  • 流露出,表露出
  • 短暂微弱地显现,瞬息一现
  • 闪现,短暂微弱的显现
  • 微光,一丝光, 粼粼波光
  • 闪光,闪亮
  • 反光,反射
  • 光线
  • 少量,一线
  • 表露,流露
  • 一丝光线,一线光明
  • 曙光
  • vi. 闪烁,闪亮 give out a bright light
  • [C]闪光,闪亮 brief appearance of light
  • [S]闪现,流露 brief show of some quality or emotion


一. an appearance of reflected lightEs9中文字网

Synonym: gleamingglowlambencyEs9中文字网

二. a flash of light (especially reflected light)Es9中文字网

Synonym: gleamingglimmerEs9中文字网


一. appear brieflyEs9中文字网

e.g. A terrible thought gleamed in her mindEs9中文字网

二. shine brightly, like a star or a lightEs9中文字网

Synonym: glimmerEs9中文字网

三. be shiny, as if wetEs9中文字网

e.g. His eyes were glisteningEs9中文字网

Synonym: glitterglistenglintshineEs9中文字网

一. 闪光;闪烁
If an object or a surface gleams, it reflects light because it is shiny and clean.Es9中文字网

e.g. His black hair gleamed in the sun.
e.g. ...a gleaming red sports car.

二. 反光;闪光
You can refer to the light reflected from something as a gleam .Es9中文字网

e.g. ...the gleam of the dark river...
e.g. In the light from the hall, her hair had a golden gleam.

三. (日、月等)发微光;闪烁
If a light or the sun or moon gleams, it shines faintly.Es9中文字网


e.g. Neon lights gleamed in the deepening mists.

四. 微光;一丝光线
A gleam of light is a pale, clear light.Es9中文字网

e.g. ...the gleam of the headlights.

五. (眼睛)闪闪发亮,闪烁着光芒
If your eyes gleam, they look bright and show that you are excited or happy.Es9中文字网

e.g. His eyes gleamed almost wickedly.

六. (情感的)表露,闪现
If someone has a gleam in their eye, their eyes show a particular feeling.Es9中文字网

e.g. There was a gleam in her eye when she looked at me.

七. 一丝;一线;少许
A gleam of something is a faint sign of it.Es9中文字网


e.g. There was a gleam of hope for a peaceful settlement.
e.g. ...gleams of wit.

八. 尚未成形的想法;蒙眬的想法
If you say that something is only a gleam in someone's eye at present, you mean that it is only being planned or considered, and has not yet been properly begun.Es9中文字网


e.g. The product is still only a gleam in an engineer's eye.

一. 一线光线,瞬息的一现:二六.inject 注射(零四-一二) | 二七.gleam 一线光线,瞬息的一现(零四-一二) | 二八.reside 居住(零四-一二)Es9中文字网

二. gleam在线翻译Es9中文字网

二. 微光;微量;发光:GLC-MS 气液色谱-质谱联用仪 | gleam 微光;微量;发光 | gleanings 搜集物;拾遗Es9中文字网

三. 发光,闪光:glazing machine 抛光机 | gleam 发光,闪光 | glide plane 滑移平面Es9中文字网

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    表露某种情感show the specified emotion
    gleam with sth

    The king's eyes gleamed with anger as he listened to the farmer's complaint.Es9中文字网


  • The furniture gleamed after being polished.
  • The sun gleamed on naked swords.
  • The plane glided peaceful and its wings gleamed white.
  • In the sunlight gleams come from..the glass of windows; from the gilt signs.Es9中文字网

    出自:F. M. Ford
  • Distantly, far beyond the sound, I saw the gleam of a torch.Es9中文字网

    出自:J. T. Story
  • 词语用法Es9中文字网

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  • gleam一般用作不及物动词,意思是“闪烁”。偶尔也可用作系动词,可接形容词作表语。
gleam, flash, glance, glint, glitter
  • 这组词都可以表示“发光,闪光”,其区别是:
  • glance指发出或投射出闪烁的光线; flash指忽然发出转瞬即逝的闪烁光芒或忽然被闪光照亮; gleam指透过间隔物或映衬在较暗背景上的微弱光线; glint强调光线的迅速闪耀; glitter指发出很灿烂的闪光,有时暗示怀有邪恶的意图。例如:
  • Headlights flashed on the road.公路上闪出车灯的亮光。
  • He flashed a torch to guide me.他用火炬的亮光为我引路。
  • The furniture gleamed after being polished.家具擦拭后闪闪发亮。
  • Her eyes glinted when she saw the money.她看到钱眼睛就发亮。
  • Her jewelry glittered under the spotlight.她的珠宝在聚光灯下闪闪发光。
    • ☆ 直接源自古英语的glam,意为闪烁。
    • 近义词Es9中文字网

    • 临近词Es9中文字网

    • blink
    • flash
    • sparkle
    • gleams of diamond
    • gleaming jewel
    • gleamingly
    • glean
    • Gleamax
    • gleaman
    • gleamy
    • gleaming bayonets
    • glaze
    • Gleaming in the dark sea
    • gleam of egg
    • gleam n.
    The bridge is newer than most, as suggested by the still-black asphalt and the fresh galvanized gleam of the guardrails.(这座桥铺设漆黑的沥青和崭新镀锌的护栏,比其他大多数桥更加簇新。)
    O faint-of-heart, storm-beaten, this rain will gleam tomorrow.(畏惧暴风的心啊,这雨到了明天。)
    He opened his eyes in the darkness and saw above him a gleam of light, but how distant, how inaccessible!(黑暗中他睁开双眼,在自己的上方看到一束亮光。)
    Now and again, too, the crude yellow gleam was broken by a few clumps of caper or of liquorice.(那片枯黄的光芒也时常掺杂着几丛刺山柑和甘草的青绿。)
    There is no gleam of hope.(没有一线希望。)
    Maybe there was still a gleam of hope.(也许还会有一丝希望。)
    “And two days later, ” recounts Imad with a gleam in his eye, “I was back, even in the same café where they arrested me.”(“但两天后我就回来了,而且又到了他们逮捕我的那个酒吧”,艾曼德眼中闪过一丝光芒。)
    The city itself escaped largely unscarred, the glass blocks housing the capital’s banks continuing to gleam unshattered.(这座城市大部分保存完整,首都银行所在的玻璃街幸免于难,依旧闪闪发光。)
    A wild gleam came into the judge "s eye." You are a school teacher, eh? "said he."(法官眼中闪过一丝狡黠,说道:“你是学校的老师,对吗?”)
    In the pale light of the tunnel, 三零-foot fossil traces of lycopsid gleam slickly in the shale roof like alligator skins.(在隧道内黯淡的灯光下,页岩顶部三零英尺长的石松化石遗迹就像鳄鱼皮般发出柔滑的光亮。)