
  • 详情解释Smm中文字网

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  • 鬼脸,怪相
  • 愁眉苦脸
  • 脸部扭曲
  • 痛苦的表情
  • 扮鬼脸,作怪相,装鬼脸,作苦相
  • 皱着眉头


一. a contorted facial expressionSmm中文字网

e.g. she made a grimace at the prospectSmm中文字网

Synonym: faceSmm中文字网


一. contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional stateSmm中文字网

e.g. He grimaced when he saw the amount of homework he had to doSmm中文字网

Synonym: make a facepull a faceSmm中文字网

一. (因厌恶、痛苦等)做鬼脸,扮怪相,脸部扭曲
If you grimace, you twist your face in an ugly way because you are annoyed, disgusted, or in pain.Smm中文字网

e.g. She started to sit up, grimaced, and sank back weakly against the pillow...
e.g. She grimaced at Cerezzi, then turned to Brenda.

一. 鬼脸:Fhalstrom使我在纽约拓展艺术变得比较顺利,随后不久我就拍摄、制作了一部名为<>(Grimace)的电影,时间长达五零分钟. 其实当时艺术家们都很穷,纽约的消费水平很低,六零美金可以租一个很大的loft(工厂不分隔的楼面),中间隔着街道,Smm中文字网

二. Smm中文字网

二. 你顽皮地扮个鬼脸:greet 你热诚地欢迎在场的每一个人. | grimace 你顽皮地扮个鬼脸. | grin 你的脸上露出邪恶的笑容.Smm中文字网

三. 愁眉苦脸:grievance procedure 苦情处理制度 | grimace 愁眉苦脸 | grip diameter 手抓握径Smm中文字网

四. 痛苦的表情:grimace 面部的歪扭 | grimace 痛苦的表情 | grimace 痛苦的表情Smm中文字网

  • 经典引文Smm中文字网

  • His lips twist into a crabbed, enigmatic grimace.Smm中文字网

    出自:D. Jacobson
  • His face was distorted in a grimace of mingled fear and annoyance.Smm中文字网

    出自:I. Murdoch
  • 近义词Smm中文字网

  • 临近词Smm中文字网

  • make a face做鬼脸
  • wry face歪脸
  • smirk假笑
  • sneer冷笑
  • contort(使)扭曲
  • mug脸
  • pull a face做鬼脸
  • long face闷闷不乐,不悦的脸色...
  • scowl愁容
  • face表面
  • wry面部肌肉扭曲的...
  • mouth嘴
  • pout噘嘴
  • frown皱眉
  • grim
  • Grimace Yoga
  • grime
Then I grimace and turn over the box that holds the strap.(我向他做了个鬼脸然后关上放表带的盒子。)
Or rather, his whole person was a grimace.(更恰当地说,他整个人就是一副怪相。)
Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering, "shut up, all of you, just shut up!"(一边拍脑门一边做鬼脸,同时念叨:“闭嘴,你们都闭嘴!”)
Some, le rabouin, for example, are at the same time grotesque and terrible, and produce on you the effect of a cyclopean grimace.(再没有比这些又遮掩又揭露的字更奇怪的东西了。有些字,如rabouin,既粗俗又骇人,使你想象出独眼巨人作的鬼脸。)
The fields quivering, the skyline a grimace(田野在颤抖,地平线作出痛苦的表情)
It faintly seems like a grimace.(隐隐约约可以看到一副鬼脸。)
The boy stole a look at his father with a grimace.(那男孩扮着鬼脸偷看了他父亲一眼。)
With a grimace, he dropped the spoon.(他做了个鬼脸,放下了汤匙。)
It came out as more of a grimace.(它出来如一个面部的歪扭更多。)
Thomas make a grimace after he have taste the wine.(汤玛斯尝了那葡萄酒后做了个鬼脸。)