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  • 肉汁,肉卤,肉汤,调味汁
  • 外快
  • 轻易得来的钱, 容易赚得的利润
  • 赏钱
  • 飞来福
  • 额外的收益,额外利润
  • 非法所得,意外之财,不义之财,不法利润
  • [U]肉汁 the juice which comes out of meat as it cooks
  • [U]肉卤 the thickened liquid made from this (with flour,etc.,added) to serve with meat and vegetables



一. a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money)vC4中文字网

e.g. the demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly linevC4中文字网

Synonym: boombonanzagold rushgodsendmanna from heavenwindfallbuncevC4中文字网

二. the seasoned but not thickened juices that drip from cooking meats
often a little water is addedvC4中文字网

Synonym: pan gravyvC4中文字网

三. a sauce made by adding stock, flour, or other ingredients to the juice and fat that drips from cooking meatsvC4中文字网

一. 肉汁;肉卤
Gravy is a sauce made from the juices that come from meat when it cooks.vC4中文字网



一. 肉汁:还要做土豆呢,胡萝卜和另一种萝卜(tunips)煮成的泥,肉汁(gravy)和stuffing (照理要塞在火鸡肚子里的面包洋葱的填塞物)就都买了现成的,stuffing就不塞鸡肚子里了,健康一点.vC4中文字网

二. 肉汤:这里供给的香肠有二十多种(甚至有素食者可以选择的香肠),还有多种多样的糊状菜(mash)和肉汤(gravy). 格林威治区的餐馆集中在由大市场、格林威治教堂大街和纳尔逊路(Nelson Rd)大街形成的三角地带. 在轻铁Cutty Sark车站下车最近.vC4中文字网

三. gravy的反义词vC4中文字网

三. 肉汁、浓稠淋汁:马铃薯 Potato | 肉汁、浓稠淋汁 Gravy | 番薯 YamvC4中文字网

四. 调味肉汁:gravity 万有引力 | gravy 调味肉汁 | gray 灰色vC4中文字网

  • 常用例句vC4中文字网

  • This gravy is too thin.
  • The addition of flour will thicken gravy.
  • She flavoured the gravy with salt.
  • 近义词vC4中文字网

  • 临近词vC4中文字网

  • sauce酱汁
  • godsend天赐之物
  • bunce意外的收获,赚来...
  • bonanza富矿带
  • plus加
  • boom繁荣
  • windfall风吹落的果实...
  • velvet天鹅绒
  • gold rush淘金热
  • gravy train
  • gravy jobs
  • gravy salt
  • gravy ladle
  • gray
  • gravity
  • gravy boat
  • gravy sauce
  • gravy bowl
  • gravy job
  • gravy soup
  • gravy beef
Mounds of Turkey piled high with buttery mashed potatoes, dripping with gravy.(成堆的火鸡盛满了黄油土豆泥,滴肉汁。)
I'll have a chicken pie with gravy.(我要一份肉汁鸡肉馅饼。)
This approach may have provided a nice gravy train but firms need to take risks to innovate for the future.(这种做法可以非常轻易的获利,但公司需要敢于冒险勇于创新以迎接未来的挑战。)
Another favourite way to eat rice noodles is with meat, vegetables and thick gravy.(另一种受喜爱的吃法是搭配肉、蔬菜和浓肉汁来吃米粉。)
After about three months, though, the gravy train stops and the young foxes must find their own meals.(但是,这种不劳而获的生活只会持续约三个月,此后,小狐狸必须自己觅食。)
After that, the rest is just gravy.(在这之后,其余的就是小菜一碟。)
This dish is usually served with roast beef and seasoned gravy as a traditional Sunday lunch.(这道菜通常都和烤牛肉、调味肉汁一起,作为一道传统的周日午餐。)
I said to myself right then that nothing would ever happen to that gravy boat as long as I lived.(就在那时我对自己说,只要我活着,我决不会再让这只盘子出事。)
That's gravy. But don't confuse the two.(但是,切勿混淆这两个概念。)
Coffee without milk or sugar. Bread without butter. Meat without gravy, or no meat at all.(他喝咖啡不要牛奶或糖,吃面包不涂黄油,吃肉不要汤,要不就干脆不吃肉。)