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  • 树篱,篱笆,生篱,绿篱
  • 界限
  • 模棱两可的话
  • 两面下注,赌两面
  • 防备,防御;防备措施,防止损失的手段,保护手段,防御物
  • 障碍,障碍物
  • 隔墙
  • 套头交易(把价格波动造成损失的风险减少到最低限度的一种买卖方法)
  • 用树篱笆围住,用树篱围起
  • 围住,包围,围护
  • 修筑树篱,作树篱,修树篱,筑树篱,在(田地等周围)植树篱,在…周围设生篱
  • 妨碍,设障碍于,设置障碍…以挡住(常与in连用)
  • 防范,规避,躲藏,避免,限制
  • 赌两面,两面下注以防损失
  • 做套头交易
  • 避免直接答复,避免直接回答,避免正面回答
  • 不直接许诺
  • 拐弯抹角
  • 有几项选择可选取
  • 几面下注
  • 受…的束缚
  • 保护(自己)
  • 推诿,搪塞,躲闪,回避
  • 避免损失
  • 树篱的,生篱的,绿篱的
  • 树篱下的,树篱旁的,树篱四周的
  • 偷偷摸摸的,不正当的
  • 名声不好的,名誉不好的
  • 低劣的,卑贱的
  • [C]树篱 row of bushes or shrubs planted close together and forming a boundary for a field
  • [C]保护手段 means of defence against possible loss
  • vt. 用树篱围起 make a hedge round sth
  • vt. 受…的束缚 be full of or surrounded by, especially in a way that causes difficulty or limits one's actions
  • vt. & vi. 回避 refuse to answer directly


一. a fence formed by a row of closely planted shrubs or bushes5Uo中文字网

Synonym: hedgerow5Uo中文字网

二. an intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement5Uo中文字网

e.g. when you say `maybe' you are just hedging5Uo中文字网

Synonym: hedging5Uo中文字网

三. any technique designed to reduce or eliminate financial risk
for example, taking two positions that will offset each other if prices change5Uo中文字网

Synonym: hedging5Uo中文字网


一. minimize loss or risk5Uo中文字网

e.g. diversify your financial portfolio to hedge price risks
hedge your bets5Uo中文字网

二. avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)5Uo中文字网

e.g. He dodged the issue
she skirted the problem
They tend to evade their responsibilities
he evaded the questions skillfully5Uo中文字网

Synonym: fudgeevadeput offcircumventparryeludeskirtdodgeducksidestep5Uo中文字网

三. enclose or bound in with or as it with a hedge or hedges5Uo中文字网

e.g. hedge the property5Uo中文字网

Synonym: hedge in5Uo中文字网

四. hinder or restrict with or as if with a hedge5Uo中文字网

e.g. The animals were hedged in5Uo中文字网

一. 树篱
A hedge is a row of bushes or small trees, usually along the edge of a garden, field, or road.5Uo中文字网


二. 防备,防范(尤指金钱损失)
If you hedge against something unpleasant or unwanted that might affect you, especially losing money, you do something which will protect you from it.5Uo中文字网


e.g. You can hedge against redundancy or illness with insurance...
e.g. Today's clever financial instruments make it possible for firms to hedge their risks.

三. 防护物;防备手段;防范措施
Something that is a hedge against something unpleasant will protect you from its effects.5Uo中文字网


e.g. Gold is traditionally a hedge against inflation.

四. 躲闪;回避
If you hedge, you avoid answering a question or committing yourself to a particular action or decision.5Uo中文字网


e.g. They hedged in answering various questions about the operation...
e.g. 'I can't give you an answer now,' he hedged.

五. 两面下注以防损失;骑墙
If you hedge your bets, you reduce the risk of losing a lot by supporting more than one person or thing in a situation where they are opposed to each other.5Uo中文字网

e.g. Hawker Siddeley tried to hedge its bets by diversifying into other fields...
e.g. Forecasters are hedging their bets about the outcome of this Saturday's Louisiana governor's race.

相关词组:hedge about5Uo中文字网

一. 套期保值:中国资金治理网 蒋玲 套期保值(Hedge)是指把期货市场当作转移价格风险的场所,利用期货合约作为将来在现货市场上买卖商品的临时替代物,对其现在买进预备以后售出商品或对将来需要买进商品的价格进行保险的交易活动.5Uo中文字网

二. 绿篱:又称为孤植树、或标本树. ? 花灌木(Floweringshrubs)花、叶、果、枝或全株可供观赏的灌木. 具有美化和改善环境的作用,是构成园景的主要素材,在城乡绿化和园林植物配植中,常占有重要地位. ? 绿篱(hedge)栽种植物使之形成的墙垣.5Uo中文字网

三. 树篱:扔掉掐 死你(throttle) raff(大量)*雨霏霏,他日关税重重(tariff),雪上轻舟飞过(skiff),quaff 豪情痛饮 你毛在呻吟(moan),他毛入壕沟(moat) 微尘是 mote,溺爱是 dote,死记硬背才 rote 坏哥得徽章(badge),他在做树篱(hedge),不让牛轻推(nudge),5Uo中文字网

  • 常用短语5Uo中文字网

  • 相关词组5Uo中文字网

  • 常用例句5Uo中文字网

  • 词汇搭配5Uo中文字网

  • 经典引文5Uo中文字网

    防止,警惕 protect; guard against (sth)
    hedge against sth

    This money must be saved for the purpose of hedging against change in the exchange rate.5Uo中文字网



一. hedge one's bets : 骑墙, 两面讨好;5Uo中文字网

二. not grow on every hedge : 稀少, 稀有;5Uo中文字网

  • The sheep got into the field through a gap in the hedge.
  • Buying gold may be a hedge against inflation.
  • Answer “yes” or “no”—don't hedge.
  • No mathematician is infallible; he may make mistakes, but he must not hedge.
    没有一位数学家是一贯正确的; 他可能会犯错误,但他绝不会回避任何一个问题。
  • You're hedging again—have you or haven't you got the money?
用作名词 (n.)
  • crop〔plant〕 a hedge修剪〔栽种〕树篱
  • dead hedge柴篱
  • high hedge高树篱
  • safe hedge安全对策
  • hang in〔on〕 the hedge(诉讼)悬而未决
  • take a sheet off a hedge公然窃取
  • on the hedge骑墙,耍两面派
  • hedge against避免…的措施
用作动词 (v.)
  • hedge the inflation避免通货膨胀
  • hedge the question of tax relief回避问题
  • hedge the yard把院子围住
  • hedge about〔round〕困住,限制
  • hedge a piece of land in把一块土地用树篱围起来
  • hedge off用篱笆遮隔,隔绝
  • hedge in by hills四面 环山
  • hedge off from the outer world与外界隔绝
  • hedge sb about with rules以清规戒律束缚某人的手脚
  • hedge in with用…困住〔限制〕
  • hedge sb's path with difficulties在某人的道路上设置障碍
  • An ornamental rose garden separated from the lawn by a neat briar hedge.5Uo中文字网

    出自:W. Boyd
  • There's such divinity doth hedge a King.5Uo中文字网

  • 词语用法5Uo中文字网

  • hedge的基本意思是用树篱或类似物把某地〔物〕围起来,引申可表示“受…的束缚”“回避”等。
  • hedge通常多用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时常表示“回避”。
  • hedge可用于被动结构。
  • 近义词5Uo中文字网

  • 临近词5Uo中文字网

  • barrier
  • fence of shrubs
  • border
  • guard
  • protection
  • hedgefund
  • Hector
  • Hedgepeth
  • hedgehop
  • hedge in
  • Hedgecock
  • hedge out
  • hedger
  • hedgehog
  • Hedgecoth
  • hedgepig
  • HedgeFORM
Saif looked less like a hedge funder and more like a fist-pumping militant in fatigues.(赛义夫看起来不太像一个对冲基金经理,而更像一个穿着迷彩服挥舞拳头的激进分子。)
"Hedge funds used to be set up by two guys in a back alley with a flashlight," says one veteran.(一位资深人士表示:“对冲基金过去是由两个人拿着手电筒,在一个偏僻的小巷里建立起来的。”)
The pheasants are frightened into cover, they run and dart through the hedge.(野鸡被吓得躲进了掩体,它们跑着穿过树篱。)
A large hedge fund caused the financial system to wobble in 一九九八, and the same could happen again.(一九九八年,一个大型的对冲基金导致了金融体系的动荡,并且同样的情况可能再次发生。)
At times of trouble, they will retreat from risky assets such as hedge funds and into cash and government bonds.(在困难时期,他们会从对冲基金等风险资产中撤出,转向现金和政府债券。)
The garden was enclosed by a privet hedge.(女贞树篱围绕了整个花园。)
Think about the advent of hedge funds, twenty or twenty-five years ago, hedge funds were a blip on the radar screen.(想想对冲基金的出现,二零或二五年前,对冲基金是雷达屏幕上的一个光点。)
Most clearly, the lightly regulated hedge fund industry described by Mr. Luo as the Galapagos of financial services is suffering a shakeout.(最明显的是,被罗先生形容为“金融服务业加拉帕戈斯群岛”的监管宽松的对冲基金业正在遭受一场震荡。)
A hedge forms the division between their land and ours.(他们的土地与我们的土地之间以一道树篱隔开。)
He gave the hedge a clip.(他把树篱修剪了一下。)