
  • 英英释义FuU中文字网

  • 词典解释FuU中文字网

  • 网络解释FuU中文字网


一. one who works hard at boring tasksFuU中文字网

Synonym: hackdrudgeFuU中文字网

二. a programmer for whom computing is its own reward
may enjoy the challenge of breaking into other computers but does no harmFuU中文字网

e.g. true hackers subscribe to a code of ethics and look down upon crackersFuU中文字网

三. someone who plays golf poorlyFuU中文字网

四. a programmer who breaks into computer systems in order to steal or change or destroy information as a form of cyber-terrorismFuU中文字网

Synonym: cyber-terroristcyberpunkFuU中文字网

一. (尤指盗取他人计算机系统中保密信息的)黑客
A computer hacker is someone who tries to break into computer systems, especially in order to get secret information.FuU中文字网


二. 黑客(指沉迷于电脑之中,无暇顾及其他的电脑迷)
A computer hacker is someone who uses a computer a lot, especially so much that they have no time to do anything else.FuU中文字网


一. hacker的解释FuU中文字网

一. 黑客:"黑客"(hacker)起源于上个世纪六零年代,最初的黑客是被看作是一个热爱科技与自由,喜欢用智力通过创造性方法来解决问题、挑战脑力极限的人. 他们是数字英雄,是网络上的罗宾逊,互联网、Unix、Linux都有黑客智慧的结晶.FuU中文字网

二. 电脑骇客:首先,我要告诉各位的是,电脑骇客(hacker) 是专门入侵电脑的人,这种人的特徵是年轻,对电脑已经到了疯狂的程度,人际关系不太好,体育一定也不好. 如果你身旁有这种年青小伙子在,他将来就可能是个电脑骇客.FuU中文字网

  • 近义词FuU中文字网

  • 临近词FuU中文字网

  • hack劈或砍
  • drudge劳碌的人
  • CyberPunk计算机朋客(以发匿名电子...
  • cyber-terrorist网络恐怖分子...
  • hack
  • Hackermann
  • Hackert
  • hacker attack
  • hacker attacks
  • Hackerman
  • hackney
  • hacker ethics
  • hacker jargon
  • hackers
  • hackery
  • hacker ethic
Some members of this breed of hacker eventually go corporate.(这类黑客中的某些人最终投向了企业的怀抱。)
"I'm going to leave it to those who are in mathematics to work out the ways to make their subject interesting and exciting so students want to take it," Hacker says.(“我打算把它留给那些研究数学的人,让他们想办法使自己的学科变得有趣和令人兴奋,这样学生们就会想学它。”哈克说。)
To 'own' something in hacker slang is to take control of it.(“拥有”这个词,用黑客的行话来说也就是控制。)
One cheeky hacker combined real-time traffic data from Yahoo! with the driving directions from Google.(一个无耻的黑客甚至还将雅虎的实时交通数据和Google的驾驶指南结合起来。)
I've met great people and even caught a hacker or two.(我曾经碰到过很多人,甚至也抓过一两个黑客。)
The hacker contacted the FBI.(而这名黑客在事后联系了FBI。)
Dubbed "the spade-hacker" by local media, the woman – who has not been named – is being investigated on suspicion of damaging public property.(这名未知姓名的妇女被当地媒体戏称为“铁锹黑客”,目前正因涉嫌破坏公共财产而接受调查。)
Instead, Hacker is pushing for more courses like the one he teaches at Queens College: Numeracy 一零一.(相反,Hacker正在推动更多类似于他在皇后学院教授的课程:计算能力一零一。)
I found, as Hacker observed years before, that most wives want their husbands to be, first and foremost, conversational partners, but few husbands share this expectation of their wives.(我发现,正如哈克多年前观察到的那样,大多数妻子希望丈夫首先是谈话伙伴,但很少有丈夫对妻子有这样的期望。)
Want to become a kernel hacker?(想成为一个内核黑客吗?)