一. one who works hard at boring tasks
Synonym: hackdrudge
二. a programmer for whom computing is its own reward
may enjoy the challenge of breaking into other computers but does no harm
e.g. true hackers subscribe to a code of ethics and look down upon crackers
三. someone who plays golf poorly
四. a programmer who breaks into computer systems in order to steal or change or destroy information as a form of cyber-terrorism
Synonym: cyber-terroristcyberpunk
一. (尤指盗取他人计算机系统中保密信息的)黑客
A computer hacker is someone who tries to break into computer systems, especially in order to get secret information.
二. 黑客(指沉迷于电脑之中,无暇顾及其他的电脑迷)
A computer hacker is someone who uses a computer a lot, especially so much that they have no time to do anything else.
一. hacker的解释
一. 黑客:"黑客"(hacker)起源于上个世纪六零年代,最初的黑客是被看作是一个热爱科技与自由,喜欢用智力通过创造性方法来解决问题、挑战脑力极限的人. 他们是数字英雄,是网络上的罗宾逊,互联网、Unix、Linux都有黑客智慧的结晶.
二. 电脑骇客:首先,我要告诉各位的是,电脑骇客(hacker) 是专门入侵电脑的人,这种人的特徵是年轻,对电脑已经到了疯狂的程度,人际关系不太好,体育一定也不好. 如果你身旁有这种年青小伙子在,他将来就可能是个电脑骇客.