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  • 【修辞学】反语法
  • 反语,讽刺文体
  • 具有讽刺意味的事
  • 出乎意料的结果,令人啼笑皆非的局面
  • 冷嘲,讥讽,讽刺,嘲弄
  • 佯作无知
  • 铁的,含铁的,似铁的
  • [U]反语,冷嘲 use of words which are clear opposite to one's meaning
  • [U][C]具有讽刺意味的事,嘲弄 a course of events or a condition which has the opposite result from what is expected

一. 反语;冷嘲
Irony is a subtle form of humour which involves saying things that you do not mean.JUS中文字网


e.g. They find only irony in the narrator's concern...
e.g. Sinclair examined the closed, clever face for any hint of irony, but found none.

二. 有讽刺意味的情形;令人啼笑皆非之处
If you talk about the irony of a situation, you mean that it is odd or amusing because it involves a contrast.JUS中文字网

e.g. The irony is that many officials in Washington agree in private that their policy is inconsistent...
e.g. Opposition parties lost no time in stressing the irony of his return to power after being rejected by voters in November.
他 一一 月份遭选民否决后又重新上台,反对党马上对这一讽刺性现象大做文章。JUS中文字网

一. 反话:比如人们在说反话(irony)、进行讽刺(sarcasm)、有意回避(opt out)问题是为了不使对方太尴尬同时又想把自己的思想情绪表达出来而采取比较策略的谈话方式.JUS中文字网

  • 常用例句JUS中文字网

  • She said to him with slight irony.
  • History has many ironies.
  • 近义词JUS中文字网

  • 临近词JUS中文字网

  • sarcasm挖苦
  • mockery嘲弄
  • paradox悖论
  • caustic remark刻薄话
  • wit智力
  • contrariety反对
  • dryness干燥
  • humour幽默
  • dramatic irony戏剧性讽示(指剧中人未察...
  • contrariness反对
  • satire讽刺文
  • absurdity荒谬
  • insincerity不诚实
  • fatefulnessfateful的名词形式...
  • incongruity不调和
  • irony maxim
  • irradiation
  • Irony in Bible
  • ironical
  • irony of situation
  • irony understanding
  • Irony In Jane Austin's Emma
  • irony of circumstances
  • irony poetics
  • irony expression
  • irony of fate
The character is played by Pamela Rabe, one of Australia's most accomplished actors, without a hump and with a heavy sense of irony.(该角色由跻身澳大利亚最负盛名的演员帕梅拉·拉贝饰演,少了驼背和浓重讽刺感的增加。)
But this seems to be the irony of office speak: Everyone makes fun of it, but managers love it, companies depend on it, and regular people willingly absorb it.(但这似乎是对办公室闲聊的讽刺:每个人都取笑它,但经理们喜欢它,公司依赖它,普通人也乐于接受它。)
His tone was tinged with irony.(他的语气中微含讽刺。)
That’s sort of a poignant irony.(那段话有点尖刻的讽刺味。)
The potential irony is clear.(潜在的讽刺意味是很明显的。)
The irony of the historian' s craft is that its practitioners always know that their efforts are but contributions to an unending process.(历史学家工艺的讽刺之处在于,它的实践者总是知道,他们的努力只是对一个永无止境的过程的贡献。)
Then there's the final irony.(然后就是最后的讽刺。)
This would be no small irony.(这真是个莫大的讽刺。)
There is a cruel irony to all this.(对所有这一切来说,还有一个残酷的反讽。)
By violating the maxims, it can be a way to be subtle or polite, or to convey humor, through sarcasm or irony.(违反这些准则可能是一种隐晦或礼貌的说话方式,或是通过挖苦或讽刺来表达幽默的方式。)