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  • 表示怀疑的
  • 不能相信的
  • 不肯轻信的



一. not disposed or willing to believe

一. 不相信的;不轻信的;怀疑的
If someone is incredulous, they are unable to believe something because it is very surprising or shocking.e30中文字网


e.g. 'He made you do it?' Her voice was incredulous...
e.g. There was a brief, incredulous silence.

'You told Pete?' Rachel said incredulously. 'I can't believe it!'

一. 怀疑的, 不轻信的:- expedient 有利的 | - incredulous 怀疑的, 不轻信的 | - detached 超然的e30中文字网

二. incredulouse30中文字网

二. 不相信,怀疑的:incredible 不可信,难以置信的 | incredulous 不相信,怀疑的 | incredulity 不信,怀疑e30中文字网

三. 不轻信的:incredulity 怀疑 | incredulous 不轻信的 | incremate 火葬e30中文字网

四. 怀疑的:increasing series 递增级数 | incredulous 怀疑的 | increment cost 增量成本e30中文字网

  • 经典引文e30中文字网

  • At first he was blankly incredulous. It could not be Judson.e30中文字网

    出自:P. G. Wodehouse
  • Earth's first visitor from outer space..couldn't..have been the object of more incredulous consternation.e30中文字网

    出自:A. MacLean
  • 近义词e30中文字网

  • 反义词e30中文字网

  • 临近词e30中文字网

  • skeptical怀疑的
  • sceptical怀疑的
  • distrustful不信任的
  • unconvinced不信服的
  • unbelieving不相信的
  • doubtful可疑的
  • suspicious可疑的
  • faithless不忠实的
  • credulous轻信的
  • incredible
  • incredulous of
  • incredulously
  • increment
"He made you do it?" Her voice was incredulous.(“他让你做的?”她的声音是怀疑的。)
He asked me with an incredulous look.(他用怀疑的神情问我。)
“I was 二三, and just moved into my first apartment, ” Graham says, laughing and incredulous.(“那时我二三岁,刚刚搬进我的第一套公寓。”Graham说着,带着笑容和一丝不可置信的表情。)
"I was just incredulous," he told me.(“我简直不敢相信,”他告诉我。)
Ken looked as though it was the most incredulous question he'd ever been asked.(似乎最怀疑的问题是他曾经已经被问,肯恩看起来。)
He sounded incredulous when I told him what had happened.(我告诉他出了什么事,但他似乎认为难以置信。)
An incredulous tower received the incredulous report, made a radar fix and began tracking him.(接到这份不可思议的汇报,机场塔楼里的人满腹狐疑,马上调整雷达开始跟踪。)
After I told her the story, Jane gave me an incredulous smile.(我把这个故事讲给简听,听完后她不相信地朝我一笑。)
I might have been incredulous had I not been accustomed to such reposes, for long ago I became convinced.(如果我不是习惯了听到这种回答,我都可能不相信,因为很久以来我已确信这个情况:能看得见的人却看不到什么。)
They are incredulous of everything that their eyes have not seen.(他们不会相信任何自己没有亲眼所见的东西。)