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一. introduce into the body through a vein, for therapeutic purposesBbw中文字网

e.g. Some physiologists infuses sugar solutions into the veins of animalsBbw中文字网

二. let sit in a liquid to extract a flavor or to cleanseBbw中文字网

e.g. steep the blossoms in oil
steep the fruit in alcoholBbw中文字网

Synonym: steepBbw中文字网

三. undergo the process of infusionBbw中文字网

e.g. the mint tea is infusingBbw中文字网

四. fill, as with a certain qualityBbw中文字网

e.g. The heavy traffic tinctures the air with carbon monoxideBbw中文字网

Synonym: impregnateinstilltinctureBbw中文字网

五. teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitionsBbw中文字网

e.g. inculcate values into the young generationBbw中文字网

Synonym: inculcateinstillBbw中文字网

一. 把…注入;灌输
To infuse a quality into someone or something, or to infuse them with a quality, means to fill them with it.Bbw中文字网

e.g. Many of the girls seemed to be infused with excitement on seeing the snow...
e.g. A union would infuse unnecessary conflict into the company's employee relations.

二. 使充满
If a quality infuses something, every part of that thing has that quality.Bbw中文字网

e.g. A strange spirit infused the place.

三. 浸渍;泡(茶);泡制(草药)
If you infuse things such as tea leaves or herbs, or allow them to infuse, you put them in hot water for some time so that the water absorbs their flavour. You can also infuse things in other liquids.Bbw中文字网

e.g. ...teas made by infusing the roots of herbs...
e.g. Herbalists infuse the flowers in oil...

一. 灌输:神称我们为义,不是将义'灌输'(infuse)在我们里面,'记帐'是财务的比喻,'归与'是法律上的. 一个是关于金钱,一个是清白或有罪(not guilty or guilty).Bbw中文字网

二. 注入:这一类的思考态度与思考程序,都应该注入(infuse)学习,自然的成为课程的一部份. 有时后学生无法理解学习主题的概念,便是因为无法了解这个学门(discipline)整体的问题处理方式. 对於后设课程应该有什麼内容(what),作者认为还是如第一一章所提,Bbw中文字网

三. 灌输,鼓舞:infuriate 激怒 | infuse 灌输,鼓舞 | ingenious 有发明天才,灵敏的Bbw中文字网

四. Bbw中文字网

四. 注入,灌输:transfusion 移注,输血 | infuse 注入,灌输 | diffuse 散布,传播,使散布,使传播Bbw中文字网

  • 经典引文Bbw中文字网

  • By the force of that soporiferous medicine infused into my liquor.Bbw中文字网

  • Saline was infused into a vein.Bbw中文字网

    出自:American Journal of Physiology
  • 近义词Bbw中文字网

  • 临近词Bbw中文字网

  • infect传染
  • imbue灌输
  • inspire鼓舞
  • steep险峻的
  • breathe呼吸
  • saturate使浸透
  • suffuse遍布 ...
  • inculcate谆谆教诲
  • put in插入
  • permeate弥漫
  • soak使浸透
  • in在 ... 里
  • impart传授
  • immerse浸
  • instil逐步渗透
  • animate使有生气
  • instill逐渐灌输
  • tincture气息
  • brew酿造
  • lift举起
  • fill装满
  • bathe沐浴
  • pervade弥漫
  • put放
  • impregnate注入
  • implant深植
  • introduce介绍
  • drench灌药
  • infuse herbs
  • infuriate
  • infuser
  • infuse energy
  • infused oil
  • infusion
  • infuse new blood
  • infuse with
  • infused graft
  • infuse tea
  • infuse new life into
  • infused decocotion
Infuse juniper in the vodka overnight.(杜松子在伏特加里浸过夜。)
Steps will be taken to infuse more liquidity if required.(如果确有需要,我们将采取措施注入更多流动性。)
What if you could somehow infuse or coat cancer cells with a conductive substance and then zap them with radio waves?(可不可以给癌细胞包裹上一层传导性物质,然后用无线电波烧死癌细胞?)
Rub the fish with spices, chopped herbs, ginger, garlic, and chile peppers to infuse flavor while it cooks.(在烹饪前,用香料、切碎的香草、生姜、大蒜和辣椒腌制鱼肉,便于其在烹饪过程中入味。)
My sense is that the Zachman Framework is easier to grasp when these principles infuse both the learning process and its practical application.(我的看法是当这些原则加入到学习过程和它的实际应用时,Zachman框架更容易掌握。)
Singapore Airlines, one of the world's most profitable carriers, also would infuse managerial expertise at an operational level.(作为全球最赚钱的航空公司之一,新航还将向东方航空灌输运营方面的管理经验。)
Theses terms are also intended to infuse work with meaning—and, as Rakesh Khurana, another professor, points out, increase allegiance to the firm.(这些术语也旨在为工作注入意义,正如另一位教授RakeshKhurana指出的那样,它增加了对公司的忠诚度。)
The contract would infuse the region with foreign capital, an estimated 四零零 jobs, and spin-off service industries.(该合同将为该地区注入外资、创造约四零零个就业岗位以及衍生的服务业。)
In our performances, acoustically or amplified, we infuse the audience with a wide range of emotions. In the end, generally, people start dancing.(在我们的表演,声学或放大,我们给观众注入广泛的情感,在演出的最后人们往往都开始跳舞。)
A halo of mysterious dark matter is thought to infuse the space surrounding each of the bulge-packing galaxies.(一个围绕着暗物质的神秘光环是,它被认为是充满着每一个星系周围的空间。)