Such a perspective is invaluable.(这种观点是非常宝贵的。)
Symbolic links are invaluable for maintenance tasks such as this.(对于这样的维护任务,符号链接是非常重要的。)
Writing them has been an invaluable learning experience for me.(对于我来说,撰写这些文章已经成为了无价的学习体验。)
Taitz says Sankey's UK police expertise has been invaluable.(泰特茨说桑基的英国警察的专业知识非常宝贵。)
The lesson proved invaluable.(这个教训是无价的。)
The help environment becomes an invaluable reference resource.(帮助环境成了一种无价的参考资料。)
His help can prove invaluable.(他的帮助是无价的。)
JVM statistics are invaluable when tuning an application.(JVM统计信息在调优应用程序时非常宝贵。)
The research should prove invaluable in the study of children's language.(这项调查对于儿童语言的研究将极有价值。)
Having a good backup can be invaluable too.(进行良好的备份也是非常有价值的。)