
  • 双解释义nbK中文字网

  • 英英释义nbK中文字网

  • 词典解释nbK中文字网

  • 网络解释nbK中文字网

  • vt. & vi. (使)工业化 (cause to) become industrially developed


一. develop industry
become industrialnbK中文字网

e.g. The nations of South East Asia will quickly industrialize and catch up with the WestnbK中文字网

Synonym: industrialisenbK中文字网

二. organize (the production of something) into an industrynbK中文字网

e.g. The Chinese industrialized textile productionnbK中文字网

Synonym: industrialisenbK中文字网

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 industrialise

一. (使)工业化
When a country industrializes or is industrialized, it develops a lot of industries.nbK中文字网

e.g. Energy consumption rises as countries industrialise...
e.g. Stalin's methods had industrialized the Russian economy...

Industrialization began early in Spain.

一. industrialize的反义词nbK中文字网

一. 使工业化:industrial-工业的,产业的 | industrialize -(使)工业化 | inevitable -不可避免的nbK中文字网

二. industrialize的翻译nbK中文字网

二. 工业化:industrial 工业的 | industrialize 工业化 | industry 工业nbK中文字网

三. 工业化、使工业化:industrial工业的、产业的 | industrialize工业化、使工业化 | inevitable不可避免的nbK中文字网

  • 常用例句nbK中文字网

  • The country has been steadily industrializing.
  • 词语用法nbK中文字网

  • 在英式英语中industrialize也可拼作industrialise。
  • 近义词nbK中文字网

  • 临近词nbK中文字网

  • mechanize使机械化
  • industrialise(使)工业化
  • develop发展
  • change变化
  • mass-produce大量生产
  • automate使自动化
  • Industrialized park
  • industrious
  • industrialized house
  • industrialized chain
  • industrialized city
  • industrialized region
  • industrialize v.
  • industrialized
  • industrialized nation
  • industrialize vi.
  • industrialized group
  • industrial
The yield was 二五% and quality was above 九五%, the process was easy to industrialize.(此路线合成总收率二五%,纯度大于九五%,该工艺具有工业化可行性。)
Many townships in the coastal area have begin to industrialize.(沿海地区的许多乡镇已开始工业化。)
The process, which has a high productivity, was very simple and easy to industrialize.(该法过程简单,生产率高,易于工业化。)
Would the growing competition from Chinese industrial exports de-industrialize Southeast Asia (SEA), returning SEA to being a primary commodity exporter?(中国工业品出口引起的竞争加剧会不会导致东南亚国家非工业化,使它们回到作为初级产品出口国的地位?)
In the wake of the industrialize, Swift carrying forward of urbanization progress, the pollution problem in town that they brought is grave increasingly.(随着工业化、城市化进程的迅速推进,它们所带来的城市污染问题日益严重。)
It also puts forward the targets and the technical ideas to turn resource advantage to be industrial advantage and to industrialize hydro - metallurgical copper recovery.(提出了公司变铜资源优势为产业优势、实现湿法提铜产业化的目标和技术思路。)
Energy consumption rises as countries industrialize.(能源消耗随着各国工业化而增加。)
According to the experience abroad, it is necessary to establish professional cheering squads to professionalize and industrialize cheering performance.(根据国外经验,有必要组建专业拉拉队,走专业化、产业化之路。)
To accelerate technology innovation and industrialize hi-tech needs the support of risk investment.(本文认为,加速技术创新,尽快实现高新技术产业化,需要风险投资的支持。)
The amount of these chemicals has risen heavily in the past, as more areas of the world industrialize and new products are produced.(随着世界上更多地区的工业化和新产品的问世,此类化学物质的数量在过去的几年中迅速增长。)