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  • 勤劳的,勤奋的,刻苦的
  • 忙碌的,常年不闲的,不辞辛劳的



一. characterized by hard work and perseveranceYIi中文字网

Synonym: hardworkingtirelessuntiringYIi中文字网

二. working hard to promote an enterpriseYIi中文字网

Synonym: energeticgumptiousup-and-comingYIi中文字网

一. 勤劳的;勤奋的
If you describe someone as industrious, you mean they work very hard.YIi中文字网

e.g. She was an industrious and willing worker.

Maggie paints industriously all through the summer.

一. 勤奋刻苦的:八四. diligent 勤奋刻苦的 | 八五. industrious 勤奋刻苦的 | 八六. studious 勤奋刻苦的YIi中文字网

二. 勤勉的:industrial 工业的 | industrious 勤勉的 | industry 工业YIi中文字网

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  • 临近词YIi中文字网

  • up-and-coming积极进取的
  • tireless不知疲倦的
  • bustling熙熙攘攘的
  • productive生产的
  • assiduous勤勉的
  • gumptious精明的
  • hard-working勤勉的
  • energetic精力旺盛的
  • conscientious认真的
  • busy忙的
  • untiring不知疲倦的
  • diligent勤奋的
  • active活跃的
  • hardworking努力工作的
  • fussy过分装饰的
  • muscular肌肉的
  • idle无目的
  • indolent懒惰的
  • lazy懒惰的
  • industry
  • industrious youth
  • industrious income
  • industrialize
  • industrious and thrifty
  • industriously
  • industrious people
  • industriousness
The skillful and industrious have no right to take hold of the share of others as a result of their skill and industry.(有一技之人的人,勤奋的人没有任何权利仅凭自己的技术和勤奋就去占有其他人的那份财富。)
He said South Sudan has a vast territory, brilliant civilizations, industrious and brave people.(他说,南苏丹国土广袤,文明灿烂,人民勤劳勇敢。)
The industrious student caught the eye of Pierre Curie, director of the laboratories where Marie worked.(这个勤奋好学的女生引起了皮埃尔·居里的注重,他是玛丽工作的实验室的主管。)
Farmers are industrious people who provide us with abundant food.(农民们都是非常勤劳的人们,他们为我们提供了足够的食物。)
Interviews with her mother's friends revealed a picture of a doting parent who was industrious and civic-minded.(与母亲的朋友进行一番沟通后,一副勤勉、有社会意识、溺爱孩子的母亲形象跃然而出。)
Firstly, no accomplishment can be achieved in a short time, and success asks for continuous industrious work and efforts.(第一,没有任何成就是可以在短时间内达到的,而是需要持续的勤奋工作和努力。)
Curiously for a place that has such industrious people, Turkey does not have an especially good record in business.(令人好奇的是,土耳其的人民是这么得勤勉努力,但是在从商方面,土耳其并未有一个辉煌的历史。)
We are industrious, creative beings.(我们是勤勉的,有创造力的人类。)
Belinda was born in Cardiff maternity hospital and her family were industrious working-class people.(贝琳达出生在加的夫妇产医院,她的家人都是工薪阶层。)
They are known for their industrious nature.(它们因为勤劳的天性而出名。)