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一. assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoingzZT中文字网

一. 教唆,唆使,怂恿,伴同(某人犯罪等)(常用于法律用语aid and abet中)
If one person abets another, they help or encourage them to do something criminal or wrong. Abet is often used in the legal expression 'aid and abet'.zZT中文字网

e.g. His wife was sentenced to seven years imprisonment for aiding and abetting him...
e.g. We shall strike hard, without flinching, at terrorists and those who abet them.

二. 煽动;促使(坏事等)成为可能
To abet something, especially something bad or undesirable, means to make it possible.zZT中文字网

e.g. The media have also abetted the feeling of unreality.

一. 教唆:她人很好,但有一天她被唯一卑鄙的(abject)男修道院院长(abbot)教唆(abet). 他诱拐(abduct)她上了床(abed). 几个月后,她的腹部(abdomen)鼓了起来,这使她非比寻常羞愧(abash),也在确定程度上使她降低了身份(abase).zZT中文字网

二. 教唆;唆使;煽动:abduct 诱拐;绑架;劫持 | abet 教唆;唆使;煽动 | abide by 遵守;信守;承受zZT中文字网

三. zZT中文字网

三. 煽动:abdicate 放弃 | abet 煽动 | abhor 憎恶zZT中文字网

四. 怂恿,煽动:Sap 树液,体液,元气,军事坑道 | Abet 怂恿,煽动 | Candor 公正,率直,光明,白色zZT中文字网

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  • 临近词zZT中文字网

  • connive共谋
  • aid援助
  • encourage鼓励
  • second第二的
  • help帮助
  • back后面
  • support支持
  • urge驱策
  • assist帮助
  • put up to告知(指点
  • incite煽动
  • back up(因积聚而)拥堵...
  • adore爱慕
  • Abeti
  • Abetti
  • Abetone
  • abettal
  • abeyance
  • Abetz
  • aberration
  • Abette
  • Abety
  • Abete
  • Abetono
That's meant lower costs and faster trading, but it has also helped aid and abet the current crisis.(这意味着低花费和更快的交易,但它同时也怂恿并教唆了当前的危机。)
They sometimes abet crimes (see article).(有些时候他们也会唆使人犯罪(参见此文)。)
In addition, the travel experience with unique winter is abet also leave the country swim free travel, half freedom goes " warm up " .(此外,冬季独特的旅游体验也助长了出境游自由行、半自由行的“升温”。)
Do not abet your friend to pry into other people's privacy.(不要唆使朋友去窥探别人隐私。)
He wouldn't throw the stone if those boys did not abet him.(要不是那些男孩子怂恿他,他不会扔那块石头。)
Attempted analyses of concepts in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions, even where they fail, abet discovery.(试图从必要条件和充分条件的角度来分析概念,即便失败了,也能有所发现。)
They say nothing in intelligence reports suggests that Russia's military posture is now more threatening; a confrontational stand by NATO would just abet the Kremlin's hawks.(它们说情报汇报中没有迹象表明俄罗斯的军事姿态如今更加具有威胁性,而北约如采取对抗性的立场只会挑唆克里姆林宫里的鹰派人物们。)
But in England and Wales, although suicide itself is no longer an offence, it is a crime, punishable by up to 一四 years in jail, to "aid, abet, counsel or procure" someone else's suicide.(但在英格兰和威尔士,尽管自杀已不再是一种违法行为,但“帮助、唆使、建议或诱导”他人自杀的行为却是一种犯罪,将被处以最高一四年的监禁。)
The results of test abet the disequilibrium judgment that the demand excesses the supply.(检验的结果支持我国货币市场存在需求高于供给的非均衡判断。)
To tolerate evil is to abet it; coddling wrong only helps the devil.(纵容坏事即是怂恿;过分宽容就会助长坏人坏事。)