Appeals loom and the sentences may not be carried out.(上诉和判决隐隐约约可能无法顺利执行。)
Terror and despair loom over Tobruk and Benghazi.(恐怖和绝望的足音逐步逼近班加西和托卜鲁克。)
Internal challenges also loom.(内部的挑战也渐渐逼近。)
Even if the Greek hurdle is overcome, others loom.(就算希腊人民克服此障碍,仍有其他难题悬于头顶。)
Two mysteries and a revelation loom in Brian De Palma's new thriller.(布赖恩•迪帕尔马的惊悚新作所隐藏的两大谜题及一大启示。)
Still, dark clouds loom, as ever, on the horizon.(但地平线上那朵黑云仍未散去。)
Not your average nonviolent Buddhists, the monks loom as heroes in the national psyche.(在普通国民的心目中,这些僧人并非是慈眉善目的佛家信徒,但却被视为英雄。)
She sat at her loom and continued to weave.(她坐在织布机前,继续织布。)
Other problems loom.(其他问题也在显现。)
Now the Emperor himself wished to see the costly manufacture, while it was still in the loom.(当这布还在织的时候,皇帝就亲自去看它了。)