Echolocation is pretty self-explanatory; using echoes reflected by sound waves to locate things.(回声定位是比较不解自明的;利用声波反射的回声来定位物体。)
These should be the area of concentration for researchers to locate and protect those regions as a way to sustain coral reefs.(这些区域是研究人员应该定位并保护的中心区域,这是维持珊瑚礁群的一种方法。)
Rescue planes are trying to locate the missing sailors.(救援飞机正在努力查明失踪水手的下落。)
Atlanta was voted the best city in which to locate a business by more than 四零零 chief executives.(亚特兰大被四百多位企业首席执行官投票选为建立公司的最佳城市。)
This required precise positioning to locate the legs into the stabbing guides of the lifting cradle.(这需要精确的定位,以便将支腿定位到提升架的扶正导轨中。)
If they wanted to eat something sweet, they had to locate a beehive, smoke out the bees and retrieve the honey.(如果他们想吃一些甜的东西,就必须找到一个蜂巢,用烟把蜜蜂熏出来并取出蜂蜜。)
The plug-in uses that location information to find the local weather and to locate local restaurants, printers, and cafeterias for that user.(插件使用这一位置信息为该用户查找当地气象信息,定位当地的饭店、打印机和自助餐厅。)
Archaeologists also may locate buried remains by using such technologies as ground radar, magnetic-field recording, and metal detectors.(考古学家们还可能利用地面雷达、磁场记录和金属探测器等技术来定位被掩埋的遗骸。)
But now they are beginning to locate places where life could form.(但现在他们开始寻找可能形成生命的地方。)
If I could have your address—the best address to send you the property if we manage to locate it?(能告诉我你的地址吗?如果我们找到了失物并打算寄还给你,最合适的地址是哪里?)