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  • 激光
  • 激光器
  • 镭射
  • 莱塞(音译名)
  • 受激发射光
  • 光激射器
  • 光量子放大器
  • 镭射器
  • 激光,法国研制的一种空对地导弹
  • [C]激光 an apparatus for producing a very hot narrow beam of light



一. an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
an optical device that produces an intense monochromatic beam of coherent lightD2r中文字网

Synonym: optical maserD2r中文字网

一. 激光
A laser is a narrow beam of concentrated light produced by a special machine. It is used for cutting very hard materials, and in many technical fields such as surgery and telecommunications.D2r中文字网

e.g. ...new laser technology...
e.g. Researchers realised that a tunable laser beam might be useful in surgery.

二. 激光器
A laser is a machine that produces a laser beam.D2r中文字网

e.g. ...the first-ever laser, built in 一九六零.

一. laser的意思D2r中文字网

一. 激光(镭射):闯关技术:靶向真皮美肤+飞顿二号彩光由武警整形美容中心改进的皮肤美容系统,融合了德国、以色列与韩国技术特长,并特地根据东方黄色人种皮肤特点进行改进,与其他皮肤美容设备一般对求美者肤色、肤质有要求相比,融合了激光/镭射(laser)、飞顿二号复合彩光D2r中文字网

二. D2r中文字网

二. laser:light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation; 激光D2r中文字网

三. laser:light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation; 雷射D2r中文字网

  • 常用例句D2r中文字网

  • 词汇搭配D2r中文字网

  • 经典引文D2r中文字网

  • I own a laser camera.
  • We keep a laser record.
用作名词 (n.)
  • laser camera激光相机
  • laser record激光唱片
  • A laser beam..can weld a detached retina back into place.D2r中文字网

    出自:Daily Telegraph
  • 近义词D2r中文字网

  • 临近词D2r中文字网

  • optical maser光量子放大器...
  • lascivious
  • Laserna
  • Laserson
  • lash
  • laserane
  • Laser.
  • Laserra
  • laserium
  • Laserme
  • Laserpe
  • Laserjet
  • laserist
This gives you a little bit of an idea of just how many individual photons there are in a laser beam of light.(这让你对一束激光中有多少个光子有了一点概念。)
During tests over several days, the pointer or tracker tracked an IR source and directed a laser beam at that source.(在几天的测试中,指示器或跟踪器跟踪一个红外光源,并引导激光束击中目标。)
He made contact with someone with an idea for reconditioning laser copiers.(他联系了一个懂得修理激光复印机的人。)
Since we have my red laser pointer, we will also try with the red laser pointer, which is centered at wavelength of 七零零 nanometers.(因为我们有我的红色激光笔,我们也会尝试红色激光笔,它的中心波长是七零零纳米。)
He shot light from a laser out the end of the cable onto the diaphragm.(他从一激光器射出光束,正对有电缆一端的振动膜上。)
The print quality of the new laser printer is superb.(新激光打印机的打印质量好极了。)
She's had laser surgery on her eye.(她做了眼部激光手术。)
Viper Strike is a gliding munition capable of precision attack from extended ranges using GPS-aided navigation and a semi-active laser seeker.(ViperStrike是一种滑行军需品,能够使用GPS辅助导航和半主动激光导引头从更远的范围进行精确攻击。)
This is a virtual keyboard with laser impressions on any table or other surface.(这是一个可以在任何桌面或其他表面投射激光的虚拟键盘。)
The car mistakenly thought that the laser beam was in its way and slowed down or changed the direction.(汽车误以为激光束挡住了它的路,于是减速或改变了方向。)