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一. a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many peopleD8P中文字网

Synonym: proverbsawbywordD8P中文字网

一. 谚语;格言
An adage is something which people often say and which expresses a general truth about some aspect of life.D8P中文字网


e.g. ...the old adage, 'Every baby brings its own love'.

一. adageD8P中文字网

一. 格言:骑在扫帚柄上飞来飞去的,不会是女巫(witch)和男巫(wizard)吗?西洋传说中的女巫一副丑老婆子模样,据说会变成野兔,蟾蜍和狼,可怕. 成语(idiom)、俚语(slang)、谚语(proverb)、口语(colloquialism)、格言(adage)、引语(quotation)、警句(saying)D8P中文字网

二. 名言,格言:adhere to 粘着;遵守 | adage 名言,格言 | comply with 遵守,符合D8P中文字网

三. 谚语:AD 平均差 | adage 谚语 | adaptability test 适应性测验D8P中文字网

四. 格言;谚语:acumen#锐敏 | adage#格言;谚语 | adulteration#掺杂D8P中文字网

  • 近义词D8P中文字网

  • 临近词D8P中文字网

  • axiom公理
  • byword代名词
  • motto座右铭
  • saw锯
  • truth事实
  • saying谚语
  • proverb谚语
  • maxim格言
  • Adagel
  • adagio
  • Adage Love cannot be compelled.
  • adages
  • Adagen
  • Ada
Still, Kostelecky repeats the old adage: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.(Kostelecky仍然复述了那条老谚语:不凡的理论需要不凡的证据(Extraordinaryclaimsrequireextraordinaryevidence,语出卡尔·萨根)。)
But while the old adage may trip off the tongue, according to new findings, it no longer holds weight.(尽管这句老话脍炙人口,但新研究发现,它已经不再有分量。)
But it seems that the old adage is true - laughter really is the best medicine.(不过看起来有句老话倒是的确不假——欢笑是最好的药方。)
Practise makes perfect as the old adage goes so take the time and make the effort to practise.(古话说,熟能生巧,所以付出一些时间和努力来做这项练习吧。)
As the adage goes if you don't laugh you will cry.(正如谚语所说,如果你不笑那便会哭泣。)
A philosopher once coined an adage: “Today is the tomorrow you worried about, and all is well.(一位哲学家曾经说过这样一句格言:“今天就是你所担心的明天,而一切仍然安好。”)
“GIVE me the man,” ran an old KGB adage, “and I will find you the crime.”(借用过去的KGB(克格勃)的格言:“交出那人,我会找到你的罪行”。)
Scientists still don't know why the "use it or lose it" adage holds true for muscles.(科学家们仍不清楚,为何“使用则生,不用则灭”的道理适用于肌肉。)
The old adage, "Do what you love, the money will follow" is actually very good advice.(俗话说:”做你想做的,钱就来了“,它的确一个非常好的建议。)
Seeing is believing the old adage goes. But do we always see, when we look?(俗话说,眼见为实。可是,我们用眼睛看时,真的看到了吗?)