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一. consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogousFrZ中文字网

e.g. We can compare the Han dynasty to the Romans
You cannot equate success in financial matters with greedFrZ中文字网

Synonym: compareequateFrZ中文字网

一. 把…比作;把…比拟为
If you liken one thing or person to another thing or person, you say that they are similar.FrZ中文字网


e.g. She likens marriage to slavery...
e.g. The pain is often likened to being drilled through the side of the head.

一. 比作:liken to 与...相比 | liken 比作 | likeness 相象FrZ中文字网

二. likenFrZ中文字网

二. 把......比作,比拟:lever 杆,杠杆;控制杆 | liken 把......比作,比拟 | lingo 难懂的方言,隐语FrZ中文字网

三. FrZ中文字网

三. 把...比作:long, variable lags 长期,多变的滞后状况 | liken 把......比作 | conduct 管理方式,行为,举动;v.传导;指挥(乐队)FrZ中文字网

四. 把......比做:life expectancy 预期寿命,估计寿命 | liken 把......比做 | limbic system 边缘系FrZ中文字网

  • 经典引文FrZ中文字网

  • Plato likened memory to a wax tablet.FrZ中文字网

    出自:Anthony Smith
  • 近义词FrZ中文字网

  • 临近词FrZ中文字网

  • compare比较
  • equate同等看待
  • relate叙述
  • associate联想
  • likeness
  • likening auxiliaries
  • likely
  • liken something to
  • likening verbs
  • liken to
  • likened to
  • likened figures of speech
Many liken the process to a space launch, since each new record-topping tower is, in effect, a brand new mission into the unknown.(很多人都把这个过程比作太空探索,因为要新建一幢破纪录的高楼,意味着在未知领域的全新任务。)
Dr Kevorkian was hardly lovable. Bombastic and arrogant, he would liken himself to Galileo, Gandhi and Martin Luther King.(凯沃尔吉安医生也许不讨人喜欢,他言辞夸张而自负,他喜欢将自己比喻为伽利略、甘地和马丁•路德•金,他享受责骂,他利用弱势者。)
She gets more like him as she gets older, but thinks most people would liken her to her mother.(她会更喜欢他为她变老,但是认为大多数人都会比喻她给她的母亲。)
Wait upon of like, also have various big bestow, this can liken money in month to must be much more worthwhile.(伺候的好了,还有丰厚的各种赏赐,这可比月钱要划算多了。)
Scientist liken voluntary or directed attention to a mental muscle that can wear out over time.(科学家把有意识注重力必做一块脑部肌肉,随着时间的流逝,它会一点点失去力气。)
Educators often liken the brain to a muscle, becauseit functions better with exercise.(大脑越用越灵活,所以教育者通常将大脑比作肌肉。)
Air flow measurement of utility boilers is often liken by using venturi duct, latticed wing, multiple pilot tube and double venturi tube.(电站锅炉的通风量,主要用风道型文丘里、机翼、笛型管及双文丘里进行测量。)
Analyse from the cognitive rhetoric system that should be for using the perceptual rhetoric tactics that liken of understanding.(从认知修辞学系统来分析应为运用了通感性比喻的修辞手法。)
I liken it to a comedian who is funny in public, but just a "regular person" in private.(就像一个喜剧演员,在公众面前很有趣,然而他们在私下只是一个平常人。)
To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? Saith the Holy One.(那圣者说,你们将谁比我,叫他与我相等呢。)