
  • 英英释义vPa中文字网

  • 词典解释vPa中文字网

  • 网络解释vPa中文字网


一. a figurative restraintvPa中文字网

e.g. asked for a collar on program trading in the stock market
kept a tight leash on his emotions
he's always gotten a long leashvPa中文字网

Synonym: collarvPa中文字网

二. restraint consisting of a rope (or light chain) used to restrain an animalvPa中文字网

Synonym: tetherleadvPa中文字网

三. the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and onevPa中文字网

Synonym: three三IIItriothreesometiercetroikatriadtrinetrinityternaryterniontriplettercetterzettotreydeuce-acevPa中文字网



一. fasten with a ropevPa中文字网

e.g. rope the bag securelyvPa中文字网

Synonym: ropevPa中文字网

一. (牵狗的)皮带,链条
A dog's leash is a long thin piece of leather or a chain, which you attach to the dog's collar so that you can keep the dog under control.vPa中文字网

e.g. All dogs in public places should be on a leash.

一. 皮带:回到屋前,再敲一次门,等她来开门时,赶紧跑到屋后,拿起铁丝网上的蓝色的菊花(Rosette)、皮带(Leash)和铁钉(Nail). 到黑森林南妮女巫的住处. 先看一下女巫身的药剂,然后与她谈谈关于药剂的事,结果打听到一瓶诚实药剂(Truth Potion),vPa中文字网

二. 腳繩:脚绳 脚绳(leash) 是从事冲浪运动唯一能保证您生命安全的东西,当您落水(wipe out)时,可藉着它寻回您的冲浪板,而且你的板子也不会随浪冲回岸上或打到其他人,让您在海上有个依靠,一般长度以与板子稍长.vPa中文字网

三. 皮条,皮带:learn 学习,知道,获悉 | leash 皮条,皮带 | leather 皮革,皮革制品vPa中文字网

四. vPa中文字网

四. 皮带绳:leash rod 缚棍 | leash 皮带绳 | Leaster 利阿斯特聚酯纤维vPa中文字网

  • 经典引文vPa中文字网

  • She led three greyhounds in a leash.vPa中文字网

    出自:Sir W. Scott
  • What do you mean by letting that dog run loose..without a..leash?vPa中文字网

    出自:D. Carnegie
  • 近义词vPa中文字网

  • 临近词vPa中文字网

  • three三
  • knot结
  • tierce[纸牌]三张同花顺...
  • triplet三个一组
  • strap皮带
  • halter缰绳
  • tether系绳
  • terzetto [音]三重唱...
  • triad三个一组
  • 三three,三
  • rein缰绳
  • lead引导
  • tercet三行联句
  • ternion三
  • trey(牌、 骰子上的)三点...
  • trine三倍的
  • chain束缚
  • trio三个一组
  • trinity(宗教)三位一体...
  • shackle手铐
  • restraint克制
  • collar衣领
  • rope绳索
  • troika三头马车
  • threesome三人一组
  • III三(罗马数字)...
  • deuce-ace(骰子的)丁丁(一点和二...
  • ternary由三部分组成的...
  • string线
  • least
  • leash law
  • leasehold
  • leash rod
He's devotion keeps my girls on a benevolent leash, one that hangs quietly at their side as they trot along but occasionally yanks them back to safety and solid ground.(他的忠诚使我的女儿们像一条仁慈的链子,当她们小跑时,这条链子静静地挂在她们身边,但偶尔会把她们拉回安全、坚实的地面。)
Community Leash uses iPhone's GPS capability to keep people updated on lost pets in the area.(社区皮带绳使用iPhone的GPS功能,让人们及时跟进该地区丢失的宠物信息。)
The attendant handed me her leash.(工作人员把栓她的皮带交给了我。)
Another time the president was almost tripped over my leash, and even though that wasn't technically my fault, I take full responsibility.(还有一次,总统差点被我的皮带绊倒,虽然严格来说那不是我的错,但我承担全部责任。)
Standing by your man doesn't mean trotting behind him-or dragging him around on a leash.(站在你的男人旁边并不是要你当跟屁虫,或者要想着拴在你的男人。)
He had fashioned a noose out of our dog Grouper's leash.(他用我们的狗古鲁普的皮带做了绞索。)
If she had possessed a leash, her mother would have been fastened to it as a means of tugging her along to keep step with the rush of other shoppers.(如果她有皮带的话,可能会用皮带拴住母亲,拉着她走在匆忙赶来的其他顾客中间。)
ChiChi ran back and forth in front of his chair, straining at his leash as if to run down the beach.(芝芝在他的椅子前面来往返回地跑,奋力拉扯皮带,似乎想跑下海滩。)
Take a walk in any of the more ritzy areas of New York and every other person has a dog—on a leash, or even being pushed along in a stroller.(在纽约任何一个比较豪华的地方散步,每个人都有一只狗——用皮带拴着,甚至用婴儿车推着。)
Would I want to wander around the forest with a jaguar on a leash?(我会牵着一只美洲虎在森林中漫步吗?噢,不!)