Landois observed that human red cells would lyse when mixed in vitro with the sera of other animal.(兰德思观察到,在试验中混合其他动物血清时,人红细胞会溶解。)
The clot appeared to lyse at 一二零 min. But the clot to lyse of control not appeared at 一二零 min. This observation indicated that A.(蛇毒抗栓酶组在一二零分钟血凝块大部分溶解,而对照组一二零分钟血凝块溶解不明显,显示了蛇毒抗栓酶具有明显的溶栓效应。)
Platelets may shield cancerous cells from high shear forces that could potentially damage the tumor cells and limit the ability of NK cells to lyse tumor cells.(血小板不仅能够保护肿瘤细胞免受血流高剪切力的伤害,还能降低NK细胞的杀伤和裂解细胞的能力。)
Through comparison among 五 different methods of DNA template extraction, heat-lyse treatment was selected for its easy-operation, low-cost and celerity.(通过对五种不同的DNA模板提取方法的比较,选定了操作简便、快速、费用低廉的热裂解法。)
RIPA buffer is used to lyse cells and tissues.(RIPA缓冲液用于裂解细胞和组织。)
They are likely to lyse rather than to form stable polykaryons.(它们可能自溶而不会形成稳定的多核体。)
For example, both penicillin and vancomycin, obstruct cell wall synthesis in gram-positive bacteria causing them to lyse.(例如,青霉素和万古霉素都可以阻止革兰阳性菌细胞壁的合成,最终导致这种细胞溶解。)
Nik: Lyse, we understand there is now a draft which is circulating.(尼克:利斯,据我们所知,有一份声明的草稿正在传阅之中。)
Add 九五零 ul lysis to the cell pellet and lyse again as step 一.(加入九五零ul溶菌buffer到细胞中如步骤一再裂解一次。)