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  • 充满活力的,活泼的,轻快的 full of life and energy;high-spirit;vigorous
  • 逼真的,醒目的 vivid or striking
  • 剧烈的,狂暴的 moving vigorously or roughly


一. full of spiritpPS中文字网

e.g. a dynamic full of life woman
a vital and charismatic leader
this whole lively worldpPS中文字网

Synonym: full of lifevitalpPS中文字网

二. filled with events or activitypPS中文字网

e.g. a lively period in historypPS中文字网

三. full of life and energypPS中文字网

e.g. a lively discussion
lively and attractive parents
a lively partypPS中文字网

四. elastic
rebounds readilypPS中文字网

e.g. clean bouncy hair
a lively tennis ball
as resilient as seasoned hickory
springy turfpPS中文字网

Synonym: bouncyliveresilientspringypPS中文字网

五. quick and energeticpPS中文字网

e.g. a brisk walk in the park
a lively gait
a merry chase
traveling at a rattling rate
a snappy pace
a spanking breezepPS中文字网

Synonym: alertbriskmerryrattlingsnappyspankingzippypPS中文字网

六. full of zest or vigorpPS中文字网

e.g. a racy literary stylepPS中文字网

Synonym: racypPS中文字网

一. 活泼的;精力充沛的;生气勃勃的
You can describe someone as lively when they behave in an enthusiastic and cheerful way.pPS中文字网

e.g. She had a sweet, lively personality...
e.g. Josephine was bright, lively and cheerful.

Amy could sense his liveliness even from where she stood.

二. (事件、讨论等)热闹的,热烈的,激烈的
A lively event or a lively discussion, for example, has lots of interesting and exciting things happening or being said in it.pPS中文字网


e.g. It turned out to be a very interesting session with a lively debate...
e.g. Their 四-一 win in Honduras was a particularly lively affair.

Some may enjoy the liveliness of such a restaurant for a few hours a day or week.

三. 才思敏捷的;思维活跃的;兴趣广泛的
Someone who has a lively mind is intelligent and interested in a lot of different things.pPS中文字网

e.g. She was a very well educated girl with a lively mind, a girl with ambition.
e.g. ...her very lively imagination.

四. (感觉或意识)炽热的,强烈的
A lively feeling or awareness is a strong or enthusiastic one.pPS中文字网

e.g. The papers also show a lively interest in European developments.

一. 生动:第二届香港国际家具展,共吸引了超过一七零家来自一九个国家及地区的参展商;当中最受注目的,要算是创艺展区的展品,此区专门展出别具一格的原创家具,以符合创艺廊本身的宗旨:启发(Inspirational)、魅力(Glamorous)、生动(Lively)、原创(OrigipPS中文字网

二. livelypPS中文字网

二. 热烈的:而现在教员所要学员做的一切似乎与培养交际能力无关,所以作者很纳闷这是否能提高(improve)他的交际能力. 一六. D. 由we had a good laugh 可知 Sheriff 和 Jimmy 进行的是热烈的(lively)讨论. 所以不宜选其他形容词.pPS中文字网

  • 常用短语pPS中文字网

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  • 词汇搭配pPS中文字网

    行动敏捷,干劲十足move, etc. more quickly;show more energy
  • She is a lively girl.
  • She is always a lively member in the party.
  • He gave a lively description of the story.
  • She was dressed in a lively pink.
用作形容词 (adj.)
  • lively child活泼的孩子
  • lively description生动描述
  • lively discussion热烈的讨论
  • lively interest强烈的兴趣
  • lively mind活跃的思维
  • lively shade of pink鲜艳的粉红色调
  • lively time紧张时期
  • briskly lively精力充沛
  • more lively精神些了
  • quite lively(会场)很活跃,(市场)很热闹
  • 近义词pPS中文字网

  • 反义词pPS中文字网

  • 临近词pPS中文字网

  • colorful
  • cheerful
  • active
  • bright
  • inactive
  • lively coal
  • lively mind
  • lively stock
  • lively trade
  • live
  • lively ball
  • lively fancy
  • lively idea
  • liver
  • lively yarn
  • lively type
  • lively time
She's very lively and full of fun.(她很活泼,挺有趣的。)
It was lively both up and down the street.(街上到处都很热闹。)
Max and Brooke displayed a lively interest in the daily doings of the centre.(马克思和布鲁克对这个中心的日常活动产生了浓厚的兴趣。)
He is a lively and clever boy.(他是一个活泼聪明的男孩。)
You are endowed with wealth, good health and a lively intellect.(你天生赋有财富、健康,和敏锐的智力。)
Her introduction is a model of fairness, a lively summation of Irish history.(她的导论是公正的典范,是对爱尔兰历史的总结。)
This is a really lively party.(这真是个热闹的聚会。)
The main part of the hospital is pretty dismal but the children's ward is really lively.(这家医院的主要地方颇为沉闷,但是儿科病房却很有生气。)
The market is quite lively.(市场相当活跃。)
He still remembered her as the lively teenager he'd known years before.(他记忆中的她依然是他多年以前熟悉的那个活泼的少女。)